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Indeterminate Tales SurLaLune's SurLaLune Fairy Tales Main Page
Variants Indeterminate Tales Da. The following approximate to the Cinderella type:-- 227 Athanas'ev, Russian Folk-Tales. Moscow, 1861. Part VI. No. LIV. Pp. 270-273. 228 Athanas'ev, Russian Folk-Tales. Moscow, 1861. Part VI. No. LV. Pp. 273-276. 229 Basile, Pentamerone, Aus dem Neapolitanischen ubertragen von Felix Liebrecht. Breslau, 1846. Vol. i, pp. 379-395. (3rd Day, 10th Tale.) 230 Beauvois, E., Contes populaires de la Norvege, de la Finlande et de la Bourgogne. Paris, 1862. Pp. 239-247. (Conte Bourguignon.) 231 Carnoy, E. Henry, and Nicolaides, Jean, Traditions populaires de l'Asie Mineure. Paris, 1889. Pp. 91-106. No. V. "MARIETTA ET LA SORCIERE, SA MARATRE." 232 Cosquin, E., Contes populaires de Lorraine. 1886. i, 246-247. Story No. XXIII. 233 Cosquin, E., Contes populaires de Lorraine. 1886. i, 248-250. 234 Des Periers, Jean Bonaventure, Nouvelles Recreations et joyeux devis. Lyon, 1558. Nouvelle CXXIX. ("D'une jeune fille surnommée Peau d'Asne, et comment elle fut mariée par le moyen que luy donnerent les petitz formiz.") 235 Frere, M., Old Deccan Days (2nd ed.). London, 1870. Pp. 236-45. 236 Grimm, Household Tales. Translated
by Margaret Hunt. London, 1884. No. 130. Vol. ii, "ONE-EYE, TWO-EYES, AND THREE-EYES." 237 Gubernatis, Angelo de, Le Novelline di Santo Stefano. Torino, 1869. No. I, pp. 16-17. 238 Imbriani, La Novellaja Fiorentina, republished with La Novellaja Milanese. Livorno, 1877. Pp. 162-166. (Milanese variant of No. XI.) 239 Imbriani, La Novellaja Fiorentina, republished with La Novellaja Milanese. Livorno, 1877. Pp. 183-190. No. XIII. 240 Imbriani, La Novellaja Fiorentina, republished with La Novellaja Milanese. Livorno, 1877. Pp. 195-201. No. XIV. 241 Imbriani, La Novellaja Fiorentina, republished with La Novellaja Milanese. Livorno, 1877. Pp. 202-207. No. XV. 242 Kozlowski, Kornel, Lud. Warsaw, 1867. No. III, pp. 300-304. (Story of a Poor Girl who became Queen.) 243 Kozlowski, Kornel, Lud. Warsaw, 1867. Pp. 304-309. Variant of the above [No. 242]. 244 Jones and Kropf, The Folk-Tales of the Magyars. London, 1889. Pp. 207-216. "THE WIDOWER AND HIS DAUGHTER." 245 Maspona y Labros, La Rondallayre. Barcelona, 1871. Part 1, pp. 97-100. No. XXII. "LA FILLASTRA" 246 Nerucci, Gherardo, Sessanta Novelle popolari Montalesi. Firenze, 1880. Pp. 280-285. Novella XXXII. 247 Novella della Figlia del re di Dacia. Pisa, 1866. Introduction by Wesselofsky, p. xxix. A Story from Piedmont. "MARION
DER BOSCH" 248 Ortoli, J. B. Frederic, Les Contes populaires de l'Ile de Corse. Paris, 1883. Pp. 75-80. No. XII. 249 Ortoli, J. B. Frederic, Les Contes populaires de l'Ile de Corse. Paris, 1883. No. XIII. Pp. 81-88. "LES TROIS POMMES DE MARIUCELLA." 250 Ortoli, J. B. Frederic, Les Contes populaires de l'Ile de Corse. Paris, 1883. No. XIV. Pp. 88-108. "DITU
MIGNIULELLU" 251 Sebillot, Paul, Contes populaires de la Haute-Bretagne. Paris, 1880. Story No. XXVII, pp. 174-179. 252 Société de Littérature Finnoise. MS. Collections. By Elias Lönnrot. No. XXXIX. 1836. (From the Government of Archangel.) 253 Société de Littérature Finnoise. MS. Collections. (Narrated by Tatjana Ignatjova, of Koitajarvi.) 254 Sutermeister, Otto, Kinder- und Hausmärchen aus der Schweiz. Aarau, 1869. Pp. 110-112. 255 Volkesunde. Antwerp, 1889. ii, 201. "ASCHEKLADDEKEN" 256 Webster, Wentworth, Basque Legends. London, 1877. Pp. 166-7. "THE STEP-MOTHER AND THE STEP-DAUGHTER." 257 Zingerle, Ignaz und Josef, Tirols Volksdichtungen und Volksgebräuche. Band i. Kinder- und Hausmärchen. Innsbruck, 1852. Story No. XVI, pp. 86-94. 308 Mango, Francesco, Novelline popolari
Sarde, raccolte e annotate dal. Palermo, 1890. (Pitré, Curiosita
popolari tradizionali, vol. ix.) Pp. 134-36. 309 Meier, Ernst, Deutsche Volksmärchen aus Schwaben. Stuttgart, 1852. No. XLVIII. Pp. 1645-74. (From Heubach.) "THE YOUNG COUNTESS AND THE WATER-NYMPH." Db. The following approximate to the Catskin type:-- 258 Baracz, Ks. Sadok, Bajki, fraszki, podania, etc. Tarnopol, 1866. Pp. 97-98. 259 Baracz, Ks. Sadok, Bajki, fraszki, podania, etc. Tarnopol, 1866. [Variant of above, No. 258] p. 98. "KOPCIUSZEK" 260 Busk, R. H., Folk-lore of Rome. London, 1874. Tale No. X, pp. 66-84. 261 Busk, R. H., Folk-lore of Rome. London, 1874. Tale No. X, p. 90. 262 Busk, R. H., Folk-lore of Rome. London, 1874. Tale No. XI, pp. 91-95. 263 Chambers, R., Popular Rhymes of Scotland. 1870. Pp. 66-68. 264 Dixon, James, Ancient Poems, Ballads, and Songs of the Peasantry of England. London, 1857. Pp. 115-122. "THE WANDERING YOUNG GENTLEWOMAN, OR CATSKIN." 265 Grundtvig, S., Unpublished Collection. (From W. Jutland.) "PIGEN
MED KRAGENAEBKJOLEN" 266 Grundtvig, S., Unpublished Collection. (From North Sleswick.) 267 Halliwell, James Orchard, Nursery Rhymes and Nursery Tales of England. 268 Schneller, Christian, Märchen und Sagen aus Walschtirol. Innsbruck, 1867. No. XXIV, pp. 59-63. 269 Visentini, Isaia, Fiabe Mantovane. Torino, Roma, 1879. No. XXXVIII, pp. 177-81. 270 Zingerle, Ignaz und Josef, op. cit. Band ii. Kinder- und Hausmärchen aus Suddeutschland. Regensburg, 1854. Pp. 231-35. The following are not referable to any distinct type:-- 271 Andrews, J. B., Contes Ligures. Paris, 1892. Pp. 126-131. No. XXVIII. (From Mentone; told by Louisa Aprosio.) 272 Andrews, J. B., Contes Ligures. Paris, 1892. Pp. 149-151. No. XXXIII. (From Mentone; told by Marie Alavena.) 273 Arnason, Jon, Icelandic Legends. Translated by Powell and Magnusson (2nd series). London, 1866. Pp. 490-98. "THE TALE OF HOW THREE DAMSELS WENT TO FETCH FIRE." 274 Balfour, Mrs., Unpublished Story from Lincolnshire. 275 Blade, Jean-Francois, Contes populaires recueillis en Agenais. Paris,1874. Pp. 1-8. Blade, Jean-Francois, Contes populaires de la Gascogne. Paris, 1886. Vol. i, pp. 267-74. "PEAU D'ANE." (This version resembles the above [No.
275].) 276 Bondeson, August, Historiegubbar pa Dal. Stockholm, 1886. P. 22. "PRINSASSAN
I JORDKULAN" 277 Brauns, David, Japanische Märchen und Sagen. Leipzig, 1885. Pp. 74-8. "THE GIRL WITH THE WOODEN BOWL." 278 Coelho. F. Adolpho, Contos populares Portuguezes. Lisbon, 1879 Story. No. XXXI, p. 75. "PELLE-DE-CAVALLO" 279 Colshorn, Carl und Theodor, Märchen and Sagen. Hanover, 1854. No. XLIV, Pp. 143-47. 280 Danske Folkeaeventyr, optegnede af Folkeminde-Samfundets. Medlemmer, 1888. P. 240. No. XXXVII. "PRINSESSEN
I HOJEN" 281 Gradi, Temistocle, Saggio di letture varie per i Giovani. Torino, 1865. No. IV, pp. 141-157. 282 Grundtvig, S., Unpublished Collection. (From North Jutland.) "PRINSESSE
TRAETROJE." 283 S. Grundtvig, S., Gamle danske Minder i Folkemunde. Copenhagen, 1857. II. P. 24. (From Thy, Jutland.) 284 Grundtvig, S., Gamle danske Minder i Folkemunde. Copenhagen, 1857. II. 157. (From Vendsyssel, Jutland.) "PRINSESSEN
PA OEN" 285 Gubernatis, Angelo de, Le Novelline di Santo Stefano. Torino, 1869. No. IX, pp. 29-30. 286 Gubernatis, Angelo de, Le Novelline di Santo Stefano. Torino, 1869. No. XII, pp. 32-35. 287 Haukenäs, Th. S., Hardanger, Natur, Folkeliv, Folketro. 1891. VII. Pp. 579-588. "ANNEMOR"
288 Household Stories from the Land of Hofer; or, Popular Myths of Tirol. London, 1871. P. 158. 289 Janson, Kristofer, Folke-Eventyr uppskrivne i Sandeherad. Kristiania, 1878. No. III, p. 13. "KONGSDOTTERI
I HAUGEN" 290 Kamp, J., Danske Folkeaeventyr. 1879. P. 34. No. III. (From Sealand.) "KONGEDATTEREN
I HOJEN" 291 Kristensen, E. T., Jyske Folkeminder.
Kobenhavn, 1881. v, p. 62. No. VIII. "PRINSESSEN
I HOJER" 292 Kristensen, E. T., Jyske Folkeminder. Kobenhavn, 1881. v, p. 68. No. IX. 293 Molbech, Udvalgte Eventyr. 1854. vol. i, p. 111. No. XXI. (From Jutland.) "PIGEN
I MUSESKINDSPELSEN" 294 Mullenhoff, Karl, Sagen, Märchen und Lieder der Herzogthumer Schleswig Holstein und Lauenburg. Kiel, 1845. Pp. 391-394. No. V. (From Meldorf.) 295 Pitre, Fiabe, Novelle e Racconti popolari Siciliani. Palermo, 1875. vol. i. Story No. XLII, p. 368. "GRATTULA-BEDDATTULA"
296 Pitre, Fiabe, Novelle e Racconti popolari Siciliani. Palermo, 1875. vol. i, p. 388. Variant of No. XLIII. "TRUVATUREDDA"
297 Schmidt, Bernhard, Griechische Märchen, Sagen and Volkslieder. Leipzig, 1877. Pp. 93-98. No. XII. (From Zakynthos.) 298 Schott (Arthur und Albert), Walachische Märchen. Stuttgart und Tubingen, 1845. Story No. IV, pp. 100-105. 299 Skattegraveren, ix. p. 185. No. 566. (From Jutland.) "PRINCESSEN
I HELEN" 300 La Société de Litterature Finnoise. MS. Collections. Helsingfors. By P. A. Paldani. No. I, 16. (From Ylojärvi, in West Finland, 1852.) 301 Stojanovic Mijat, Narodne Pripoviedke. Zagabria (Agram),1879. Pp. 115 ff. "KCERKA
I PASTORKA" 302 Thorpe, Benjamin, Yule-Tide Stories. London, 1888. Pp. 236-244. (From South Smaland.) 303 Thorpe, Benjamin, Yule-Tide Stories. London, 1888. pp. 375-380. "THE GIRL CLAD IN MOUSE-SKIN." 304 Webster, Wentworth, Basque Legends. London, 1877. Pp. 158-165. 305 Wlislocki, Heinrich von, Märchen und Sagen der Bukowinaer und Siebenburger Armenier. Hamburg, 1892. Pp. 55-58. No. XXII. "KONIG AMBANOR UND DAS WAISENMADCHEN." 306 Zingerle, Ignaz und Josef, Tirols Volksdichtungen und Volksgebräuche. Band i. Kinder- und Hausmärchen. Innsbruck, 1852. Story No. II, Pp. 5-16. (For No. 307 and following Nos., see Appendix.) Cox, Marian Roalfe. Cinderella: Three Hundred and Forty-five Variants of Cinderella, Catskin, and Cap O' Rushes, abstracted and tabulated. London: David Nutt for the Folklore Society, 1893. While the original text of this book is out of copyright, the special formatting and compilation available on SurLaLune Fairy Tales is copyrighted. Be aware that while the original content has been honored, page numbering, footnote numbering, redesigned charts, links, and other aspects are unique to this site's version of the text. Use at your own risk. For private and fair use educational purposes only. |
Anne Heiner, SurLaLune Fairy Tales |
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