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Unregistered User
(5/24/05 9:39 am)
HELP needed Shrek and fairy tale essay
Hi I need any ones help asap for a title or starting point for a 1500word essay.
I want to write about Shrek and the fairy tale and touch on postmodernism. But I just can't get a critical edge to start me off. This is an introduction short essay ready for my dissertation. If anyone's got any tips or title suggestions i will be very very grateful. Thankyou very much. (I have read another post on here roughly about what I want to write about but still need some help.)

Helen J Pilinovsky
Registered User
(5/24/05 10:38 am)
Re: HELP needed Shrek and fairy tale essay
Er ... this sounds fascinating. But could you provide a little tiny bit more about what you need? Such as the topic of your dissertation, or the title of the previous thread that you admired?

Registered User
(5/24/05 11:05 am)
Re: HELP needed Shrek and fairy tale essay
So you would be writing on "Shrek as a postmodern approach to the fairy tale"?

You may want to define postmodernism (a lot of people don't understand the term). I've seen it used in reference to poetry, but not so much with prose or film.

I think you're main focus may be in showing how Shrek takes traditional tales, or at least the characters, and adapts them. You might also wish to give a few other examples where this has been done, such as 10th Kingdom. You could also look as the issue of copyright, and how this could be a form of fanfic for public domain material.

Registered User
(5/24/05 5:20 pm)
Re: HELP needed Shrek and fairy tale essay
Thankyou for your replies, I'm not too sure about defining postmodernism, yes I have whole books explaining it and a critical theory dictionary with it in,but I find it hard to actually explain it. I think roughly it is about the use of many things used together to make something new? is that the basics I'm sorry, I'm not that good at theory.
Yes I was going towards writing about Shrek as a postmodernistic approach to the fairy tale but this first paper is only 1500words, so I have to keep it rather narrow and precise. I like your suggestion about looking more closely at each of the characters. OK, thankyou for both of your replies. I've had so much work on that I've left this literally to the very last minute, which is bad I know, so I've got to go and work hard now. Any more replies will be much obliged.

Unregistered User
(5/27/05 7:30 am)
Not sure if this helps, but I did a course recently which had various definitions of 'troubling' things. In other words, not completely subverting them, in order to protest against the norm, nor happily going along with them, but instead 'queering' or 'troubling' them ie. changing them just enough, from within the confines of the norm, to make the audience reasses their worth and meaning. I'm sure Shrek could be applied to this. If you want, I can look up more on the theory.
It is called 'Pecheuxian’s paradigm of identification' and the particular form of troubling I am referring to is as disidentification.

Unregistered User
(5/27/05 8:50 am)
Re: 'troubling'
>>Not sure if this helps, but I did a course recently which had various definitions of 'troubling' things. In other words, not completely subverting them, in order to protest against the norm, nor happily going along with them, but instead 'queering' or 'troubling' them ie. changing them just enough, from within the confines of the norm, to make the audience reasses their worth and meaning. I'm sure Shrek could be applied to this.<<

Or, as pointed out at the time, it could just be fired Jeffrey Katzenberg taking low schoolyard potshots at his ex-Disney bosses by playing the dopey-mainstream "Disney wrote every fairytale in existence" card for all the borscht it was worth, while slapping on a healthy layer of immature laugh-killing bile...
Granted, that's not as deep an interpretation of the source material, but might want to start with the original William Steig book to appreciate the movie's perspective.

(Don't worry, folks, we may see fewer of these topics as the generation progresses...)

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