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Unregistered User
(3/24/04 10:32 pm)
Scandinavian Trolls
Stories about changelings show up a lot in northern Europe, generally a troll baby left by trolls who much prefer sweet *quiet* human babies. There's a beautifully illustrated story called "A Ride on the Red Mare's Back" based on such a story.

Niniane Sunyata
Registered User
(3/29/04 11:56 am)
Re: Changeling
Clute and Grant's "Encyclopedia of Fantasy" has a "Changeling" entry (that tickled me pink for no apparent reason) - although they could have listed a few more titles there.

For some older material, there's always Thomas Keightley's "The World Guide to Gnomes, Fairies, Elves and Other Little People" .

Anita Harris.
Terra Mythogene

Veronica Schanoes
Registered User
(3/29/04 3:59 pm)
Re: Changeling
I was just posting this in the Midsummer Night's Dream thread when it occurred to me that it might be of interest here, too! It's a scholarly article on fairy beliefs and their impace on Midsummer Night's Dream during Shakespeare's time. It's called "Taken by the Fairies: Fairy Practices and the Production of Popular Culture in A Midsummer Night's Dream" by Mary Ellen Lamb. It appeared in Shakespeare Quarterly, volume 51 (200), number 3, pages 277-312. It was very good indeed.

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