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Registered User
(12/22/01 6:43:47 am)
Hello all,

I just wanted to introduce myself, and see if anyone wants to share a re-intro with me here.

My name is (guess????): Omar Morales
I live in a medium sized town in the UK, moved from the US here not to long ago. I have had an interest in Myth, Folktales and legends since I can remember, one of the first books I read was an encyclopedia to classical (roman and Greek) gods. I loved it.

Since then, for the past 20 odd years, I have kept my interest on Myth, etc, etc. as well as branching out to other things. I have a lame running joke that no one gets. I tell people I am a collector of collections, then they shrug and tell me to show them something..... Anyhoo.

I have been and am into (sounds a bit net sex, but I sear it isn't) Comics, of all kinds. Grendel is a favorite and the magazine Heavy Metal, I have been a big reader of reference books... I didn't start reading novels until fairly recently, I have a big trading card collection, including some recent Magic the gathering game cards ( I think I am re-discovering my geekiness, and I love it baby!) I use to play Rifts (a role-playing game) I love film, went to the uni for it for a few. I like music, anything from van morrison to metallica to limp bizkit to classical to my beloved merengue (a latin - Dominican - music genre) to "world music" (I don't really like using world music as a catch all not from the USA umbrella genre...) I am also a computer geek, thats my job and has been for close to half my life... so I would be happy to help you out if you want. I write usually really short stories or poetry or varying levels of mediocrity. I drink rum and beer, not much else. I like to eat all types of things... some people think thats why I am fat, but they are wrong I am just lazy, when it comes to that.... and I am big bonned... :P what else.
I like sciences... astronomy, archeology, etc etc, I am in the local antiquarian society. (what you dont have one?) I like walking up in the hills, we have loads here. uhhhh I am married for 2.5 years now. we met on the net... good woman :) I love her lots... and now i didnt forget to put that info up front.. I just tend to write semi-stream of concsiouness like. I dont have many friends... we all seem to be a bit alike (god help us) uhhh... I like collectiong bibliographies from the back of books. that is buying said books. we have two dogs, a car and a wiley mouse that i am hunting down oh and two little-ickle fishes close to the tv, 'cause they seem to like it. I dont know how to drive, or bike, or skate i am afraid of all... not phobic. I dont like scary movies. Fav movies... Godfather, Almost Famous, Citizen Kane, etc etc. Fav food. mmmmmm all.

any questions ask. I am ultra open.
thanks for reading,
Omar Morales

Registered User
(12/22/01 9:06:52 am)
Re: Introductions.
Not that it's my place to welcome people here, as I am relatively new myself, but on my own behalf: Welcome, Omar! I'm M. Pepper Langlinais or, in some cases, M. Langlinais Pepper. (The difference is the name I write under and my married name.) I write poetry, short stories, and I have one novel (sci-fi/fantasy, currently being looked at by prospective publishers). If you go to you can take a gander at some of my stuff, including AElit, a parageographical island I created as an undergraduate final project. I'm also president of the ZeistMeister Alliance, a sci-fi/fantasy club.

Ask any questions you like of me; for the most part, I'm not shy!

~M. Pepper

Unregistered User
(12/22/01 10:19:00 am)
Hi--Jane Yolen here. Author, storyteller, ex editor, grandmother. You can read more about me and my 200+ books at:

Registered User
(12/22/01 11:02:05 am)
Re: Hi
My name is Kerrie Colantonio. For my full-time *paying* career, I am currently an Editorial Assistant in educational publishing. For my full-time *still-need-help-getting-off-the-ground* career, I have self-published _Twisting the Glass_, a book of poetry inspired by fairy tales, _Indelible: Art, Poems, and Prose in Response to the September 11th Crisis_, which had many contributors from this board (it's raised $205 for Auction for America so far), and _Encounter_, stories, poems, "excerpts" detailing encounters with the realm of faerie. I'm currently working on _Cracking the Nut_, poems inspired by the ballets. In my spare-spare time, I've become a Promotional Designer, having fun fiddling around with creating promotional cards and such, doing layout design, writing stories, poems, essays, promoting my favorite authors and illustrators to local independent bookstores, etc. (I'm currently working on cards for M. Pepper and Kate's books. Kate, email me when you receive the hard copy!) On top of all that, I attend Tapestry of Voices, a monthly open mic poetry night in Boston, where I get 3 minutes to squeeze in a few of my poems, sometimes in costume. (Hey, a girl has to be seen somehow!)

If you'd like to read a sample of my writing, M. Pepper Langlinais has been so kind as to host a page for me, as well as post some of my reviews:

Welcome to all newbies, and happy holidays to everyone!

Sugarplum dreams,


(Oh yes, I am known to try and insert the Nutcracker into any discussion we have here.)

Edited by: Kerrie at: 12/27/01 6:31:12 am
Charles Vess
Unregistered User
(12/22/01 12:00:20 pm)
Charles Vess here, artist/illustrator and sometime writer. You can find out lots more at my website: by and sit a spell.


Unregistered User
(12/22/01 3:08:39 pm)

Jess here. I tend not to put my last name on these things, not sure why. My interests are extremely ecclectic. My current "occupation" is being a full-time mother of three young boys. I have been published three times in biology (comes out in Jan.), law, and Kerrie's book. I have worked in music and law. The problem is I get so bored with things that I invariably have to move on to a different field.

I write poetry mostly about children or for children, which I have never tried to get published, and I am working on my first two novels that have absolutely nothing to do with fairy tales or myths. The first one I put on hold after Sept. 11 since it had to do with terrorists and aerospace defense, but I am back at it.

I love the people on this board and this topic. To me fairytales, folk tales, myths and legends are the backbone to virtually all literature. I have learned oh so much since discovering this board and the various links referred in it. You have discovered a wonderful resource with very brilliant people on it. Enjoy!


Registered User
(12/22/01 4:47:42 pm)
Re: Introductions
Hello there.

Erzebet Barthold here, I am a writer and an artist who, you guessed it, has a passion for fairy tales. I run my own small press and publish related stuff, and have very recently begun the quest to have my stories published by others. You can learn more than you'll ever want to know about me and my ventures at my site.

Nice to meet you.


Registered User
(12/22/01 8:22:47 pm)
Me, myself, and I ...

Hello, I'm Helen Pilinovsky. I'm a silversmith and an academic; I'm working on an MA in Comparative Literature at Dartmouth, and applying to Ph.D programs in Comparative Literaure and Folklore this year. I've been published at Terri's Endicott Studio web site three times in the Forum, and am looking forward to my first paper publication in June, in Realms of Fantasy's Folkroots column. I'm going to be presenting at this year's ICFA, and I'm *hoping* to make WisCon, but as a starving grad. student, things are looking bleak ...

Wow, I just realized that my first impulse in introduction was to present my credentials ... not sure if that's funny or sad, but it is how I tend to define myself, because this is the stuff that's most central to my conception of myself, and to my idea of what makes life meaningful, and education/profession are how I approach "it". That is to say, how I approach magic, in all available guises, and in the forms that we can most readily individually interpret and comprehensively understand; myth, legend, folklore, fairy tales, fantasy ... call it what you will. One of my favorite bits of doggerel is one that was spoken during Victorian times, and one which Neil and Charles used in _Stardust_. It goes "How many miles to Babylon? Threescore miles and ten. Can you get there by candlelight? Yes, and back again." I actually used it as a metaphor for the human need for magic in my senior thesis, and I think that it works here as well, as that's what we're all trying to do, to get to Babylon, or Arcadia, or simply beyond the fields we know, by candlelight, or gaslight, or electric light ... whatever's available. I'm rambling now, so I'll stop ... but I'd like to say that I think that this (re)introduction was a good idea; it helps us to reinterpret our senses of ourselves, and of one another, and it fills me with a renewed appreciation for what a wonderful virtual place this is, and how lucky I (we?) am/are to have found it. You guys are wonderful. Happy holidays!

Unregistered User
(12/22/01 10:58:51 pm)
a Phd student in Literature who is trying to decide if she is an academic or not. I'm from Sydney but have spent the last four months living in Montreal, where I discovered, among other things, that I belong here- this was a *wonderful* discovery. I also write, but I find publication exceedingly painful and try to do it as little as possible. I love fairy tales and folklore, but it wasn't a subject I knew a great deal about until I hit upon it by chance as a topic for my thesis- so I am learning as I go along. I'm mostly interested in representations of the body, especially the female body, and I use the tales as a coathanger off which I can hang arguments about a set of ideas to do with visuality and sexuality and blah blah blah...

Heidi Anne Heiner
(12/23/01 2:02:01 am)
Re: Introductions.
I am a wife, daughter, sister, friend, and in my spare time I am a librarian, reader, researcher, writer, storyteller, fairy tale hobbyist, and webmaster to name just a few identities. I have come to learn that I am not much of an academic, but I hover on the fringes to see what is being taught about fairy tales and folklore. I collect hats, both literal and figurative! I, too, sometimes identify myself as a collector of collections.

I currently live in Los Angeles although I am a Tennessean by birth and nature. Contrary person that I am, I am not ready to leave Los Angeles although the opportunity did arise recently. I am a stranger in a strange land and I rather like it.

SurLaLune Fairy Tales started as a small website about Bluebeard for a graduate school project three years ago. Its anniversary is actually December 28 and so it will be 3 years old in a few days. After two face lifts and a lot of expansion, here we all are. What a wonderful journey it has been and it is far, far from over...


Edited by: Heidi Anne Heiner at: 12/23/01 2:09:00 am
Registered User
(12/23/01 5:47:34 am)
Re: Introductions.
Hello All,

PART 2. (nope)

I just wanted to thank those who posted in this topic. It actually made me feel better. I think this is the only forum I have ever returned more than twice.

Happy Hoildays...


Unregistered User
(12/23/01 8:15:48 am)
Carrie Miner -- here (sort of anyway-- not moving fast this morning). I am a single mother of twin boys -- who will turn six three days after Christmas. I find myself fortunate to make my way in this world as a writer. I write travel pieces for Arizona Highways mainly -- but also have written for airline magazines, city magazines and an assortment of other publications -- basically anyone I can hook on an idea. I also have a passion for fairy tales and folklore, which I try to sneak in my nonfiction every opportunity I get. (I just finished a guidebook for family travel and threw in all sorts of Arizona lore including a sidebar on Spider Woman, who gobbles up naughty children. I'm waiting to see if my editor appreciates my sense of humor.) I also have written a few fairy tale related poems, which Terri has posted at Endicott and am work on a collection of fairy tale inspired short stories. Since I finished the guidebook, I have the confidence in writing longer pieces and am now hard at work on my first novel, which is deeply rooted in folklore and dream. I would direct you to my website -- but, alas, all I have is a domain name as I haven't a clue as to how to contruct a website. Soon perhaps.



Laura McCaffrey
Registered User
(12/23/01 9:20:13 am)
I like this re-introduction as well. It's nice to read so much about you all in one place.

Like Jess, I've been at home or working part-time the past years raising two young daughters. I'm a school librarian (very part-time) and a writer, both newly established careers. My first book, a fantasy novel for children in the middle grades, is due out spring 2003.

My interest in fairy tales, legends, myths, and folklore is longstanding. I devoured Grimms and Bulfinchs as a child and my favorite book for a long time was D'Aulaire's (sp.?) Greek Myths. I had little chance or opportunity to study these subjects in school and envy you all who are currently doing so! I enjoy fantasy that uses myth, legend, fairy tales, and folklore and I try to do the same with my own fiction/fantasy writing.

No website as of yet. If any of you are interested in folk/bluegrass/country music, my husband is a professional musician and songwrites, teaches, and performs for a living. Website

Take care all.
Laura Williams McCaffrey

Registered User
(12/23/01 12:09:32 pm)
Donna ~Q~ here: just a silly girl, mostly; single woman with cats; lover of stories...

Like most of us here, I'm mixed up in both arts and acadamia. I'm doing grad work at UPENN, technically in Medieval Studies, though I've more recently ventured into classes for both fairy tales and creative writing. I write short (strongly mythic based) fiction, fairy tale revisions and, most recently, FT poetry (I think my muses realize my limitations sometimes - Jane's famous BIC advise is not exactly do-able at this time in my life...) I've only been published in Kerrie's "Indelible." I think a combination of shyness and unfamiliarity with the business aspects of the publishing realm has made the boundry-crossing from writer to author a little bit difficult.

I am something of a Celtophile - I've a strong attraction to Celtic music (Note to Helen: Clandestine did a song called "Babylon" - it's an amalgamation of fairy tale verses and the doggeral quote you mentioned was utilized as the chorus.) I also do Celtic artwork; I really admire the visual representation of interconnectedness. My work leans toward the graphic side with historical influences mostly, though in the past year I've stemmed off into original designs that have found their way onto furniture, decorative items and even people's bodies! (Hey Mom - I'm going to be a tatoo artist when I grow up - LOL)

I've been tending bar for more years than I will admit to. I enjoy it a great deal as it too, like art and writing, is a connection to story. Every person has one! It's been fun to "meet" all of you and hear a bit about yours...

Richard Parks
Registered User
(12/23/01 2:29:05 pm)
Re: Introductions.
Richard Parks. I'm a writer, mostly of short fiction, fairly widely published (see for lists). I love myths, fairy tales and folklore and the imagery and themes show up often in my work.

Registered User
(12/23/01 10:46:12 pm)
I am Tara Chang. Full-time Mom, part-time illustrator. (You can read a bit more at )

Chronic reader in all the spare minutes. I especially like fairytale and folklore based fiction. And Celtic music. I am a fan and in awe of many, many people who post here on this board.


Edited by: tlchang37 at: 12/24/01 10:35:43 pm
Registered User
(12/24/01 6:09:09 am)
Re: intros...
Terri Windling here -- writer, painter, and editor in the field of fantasy and mythic arts, obsessive fairy tale fan, staunch feminist, music lover, and not a bad dancer. Grew up on the east coast of the U.S., lived in New York City for a long while, then Boston for a few years, and now divide my time between Arizona and Devon, with as many side trips to Paris as I can squeeze in. No children, but several godchildren, and one old cat named Oliver Twist. I've known Jane since I was 20 years old, and Midori, Greg, and Charles almost as long...and I'm sure not 20 anymore. (Now how did it happen that young upstarts like us became the old timers in our field? It must be magic.) Web site: The Endicott Studio for Mythic Arts,

Heidi: Congratulations on reaching your web site's 3 year anniversary! And thanks for all you share with us through it.

Edited by: Terri at: 12/24/01 6:18:33 am
Registered User
(12/25/01 7:51:45 pm)
Re: intros...
Nalo Hopkinson, new to the list. Neither chick nor child in my care, but a few houseplants, which are hanging in so far. I'm a writer, past craftsperson (who has the time?), and also a not-bad dancer. Not enough dancing at cons, I say. As a writer, there's a resonance to folktales, myths and legends that I find intriguing. I think it may have something to do with the fact that they get told and re-told billions of times, and so get honed in the telling. It's great to have a list to discuss stuff like this.

Unregistered User
(12/26/01 12:50:18 pm)
intros ...
Francene Lewis, wife, mom, and cataloging librarian. Order may vary. I'm usually a lurker since I read this board while at work, but I do on occasion come out of hiding. I read and loved fairy/folk tales as a child, turned to fantasy literature as I grew older, and am now returning to fairy and folk tales as the origins of much what I enjoy about fantasy. I've been following Terri's work as an editor ever since I found her Elsewhere anthologies back in college. I pored over the bibliographies to track down the work of the authors I liked in those books. I loved Jane's Xanadu collections as well. I'm also having great fun introducing my two boys, 4 and 6, to fairy and folk tales. They really like James Marshall's renditions. Not as elegant as some, but they are fun. This board is such a great resource. Thanks all.


Unregistered User
(12/27/01 9:57:25 am)
Ruth Sanderson here. I confessed to Charles Vess about reading this board for the last few months, and he has ordered me to come out of hiding. I have been illustrating children's books for over 25 years. Currently I retell and illustrate fairytales. I found this website while researching Cinderella. My version, combining the Grimm and Perrault, will be out this spring. I do plan to post comments on a number of discussions, soon, Charles! I only check in about once a week or so, but I love the depth of these discussions. if you want to check out some of my books and pictures. There will be extensive galleries soon, as Daughter/Webmaster is home on college break (only 50 books

Heidi Anne Heiner
(12/27/01 10:50:19 am)
Re: intros
Welcome Ruth and all!

Ruth, I just wanted to gush a little over your books. Your illustrations for "Beauty and the Beast" and "Twelve Dancing Princesses" are some of my favorites, not to forget "Snow White and Rose Red" and "Sleeping Beauty." And didn't I see your "Night Before Christmas" being read by President Bush to school children this month? : ) I can't wait to see your Cinderella--I haven't seen it in any review sources yet which is where I usually get my previews.

Thanks for all of your wonderful illustrations...

And thanks to everyone for making this board such a pleasure to moderate.


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