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Unregistered User
(9/27/01 6:48:55 am)
Fairy Tale Poems please
Hi All,

I am co-editing an anthology of fairy tale poems. This will is a book aimed for creative writing college students and teachers. (We will have a more extensive group of poems than Meider did in his collection called Disenchantments, published about 15 years ago.) Particularly those that draw upon the Brothers Grimm tales. We will use modern (last 50 years) poets, known and unknown. I am asking anybody to send me suggestions of poetry/poets we should consider or may have missed.

We have been combing through old journals, books, anthologies, and online resources. We know about Sexton & Jarrell. . . it's the ones we don't know about and should that I'm hoping to discover!

Thanks for all your help!
Claudia Carlson

Unregistered User
(9/27/01 8:07:00 am)
Endicott Studio
You may already be familiar with this, but I would highly recommend the poetry to be found on the Coffee House page of the Endicott Studio site (

Unregistered User
(9/27/01 11:35:26 am)
Re: fairy tale poems
Have you heard from Kerrie at all? She has some fairy tale poems. Some are hosted on my site:

Unregistered User
(9/27/01 12:08:39 pm)

I am in the middle of Kate's book "Mirror, Mirror" and one of the authors mentions a poem she wrote in the mid-1960's which refers to the Juniper Tree. I will try to find the cite.


Unregistered User
(9/27/01 1:09:38 pm)
The poem I referenced above was by Margaret Atwood. Another thought what about Tennyson's "Lady of the Lake." I know this is well-known, but it should be included.

Kate -

I am loving the book. I started yesterday and got through about a third of it. I hope to finish over the weekend. It is thought provoking and has made me analyze why my favorite tales are my favorites. It seems to me that I like stories that involve loyalty, trust and characters in hidden advisory positions.


Unregistered User
(9/27/01 1:12:15 pm)
I missed that reference to the last 50 years. Sorry. Typically reading too fast.


Unregistered User
(9/27/01 5:50:06 pm)
Fairy Tale Poems, and a Thank You
I haven't checked the Endicott site's list of poets, so perhaps this is on it, but Rita Dove has a series of fairy tale poems (not in an official series, but they are clearly all based on fairy tales; one is I think called "Beauty and the Beast"). They are not often included with fairy tale poems in thematic collections I've seen, but I think they should be more widely collected as such. They'd be great for a student audience. (That's all I'll post for now, as I'm sure Olga Broumas, Anne Sexton, etc appear on the Endicott list. But I'll check it and come back to this discussion if there are gaps there--doubtful!

And Jess,

Thank you so very much. I love the different ways contributors approached the subject--I left it completely open to them. I re-read the book a lot too--I recently re-read Deborah Eisenberg's piece. I continue to feel very, very lucky to have gotten to work with the authors included. By the way, the collection is actually due out in June in an expanded edition (paperback too, so it won't be expensive). I'm going to edit five new essays for inclusion. Happy reading! I'd love to know what you think on specific pieces.

Unregistered User
(9/28/01 12:54:48 am)
Hanging out Shingle
Not to be hanging out my own shingle too openly here, but I must have at least as many fairy tale poems published as anyone in the USA! If you do not know them and want to see some, you can start with Endicott studio. But only one or two of my poems are available on the web. The rest are in anthologies and collections like my Neptune Rising, Xanadu and Xanadu 2 and 3, Storyteller, and antholgies like Sisters of Fantasy and The Armless Maiden and a number of the Windling/Datlow Years Best Fantasy and Horror collections.

Jane Yolen

Unregistered User
(9/28/01 12:05:24 pm)

I didn't list you in my original post because I was sure Terri's poetry list included you! Sorry if it looked like an oversight. You've published more (and not just fairy tale poetry) than most people in the universe . . .!


Unregistered User
(9/28/01 6:51:27 pm)
I'd love to see your poems Jane!
Dear Jane---

Yes, please let me know where I can find your poems. Since we have to pay for permissions ourselves, anything you can let us use for free or that won't cost too much will be considered. We have several categories that need more poems, (such as Puss in Boots, any of the animal tales, 12 Swans, or any of the lesser knowns) but will still consider even the ones we have tons of, such as the Cinderella, Rapunzel, Hansel & Gretel, Little Red Riding Hood and Seeping Beauty.

I have long been a great admirer of your writing!


Unregistered User
(9/29/01 2:42:18 am)
Give me an email address and I'll ship a bunch out.


Unregistered User
(9/29/01 7:22:40 am)
Please send poems to...

Jeanne and I look forward to reading them.


Unregistered User
(9/29/01 7:47:24 am)
The poems can be less tale to tale
We are also looking for poems that explore themes in fairytales and the Grimm universie; the enchanted forest, the magical objects, woman's roles, sexuality, parenthood, advice, journeys, flavors, the hero, the crone, the spell, etc.... in both formal and modernist treatments.

This collection will show a huge variety of response to these stories in our lives. In our introduction we will touch upon the poets, like Tennyson & Rosetti, who did it first, but since they are extensively collected, we turned to current poets.

What we won't include is retellings that don't go any further than the tale itself. If the language or direction of the poem doesn't add dimension, it's not what we need.

All that said, funny is good too.

Unregistered User
(9/29/01 10:15:53 am)
Are you including prose poetry in this? You don't mention it . . . but if so I have three short pieces from my new book I could send your way for consideration. Also, do you have a publisher for this book, yet?

Also, you mention "formal and modernist" poetry (do you mean formal as in new formalism?). Gjertrud Schnackenberg, a new formalist, has a poem about a fairy tale that I can track down for you. Her work is fantastic.

Unregistered User
(9/29/01 12:45:32 pm)
We do have a publisher...
But we haven't signed the contract yet as we look into the cost of all the permissions, a cost we must bear. But we will most likely go with this prestigious non-profit publishing house, they have a fine list.

We know abut Schnackenberg... she is very good.

Unregistered User
(9/29/01 1:29:00 pm)
poetry sent
Claudia--I have sent the poems on to you. Hope there's something you can use.


Unregistered User
(9/30/01 12:18:10 pm)
Small press is a great way to go for many reasons. Good idea.

Sorry to ask again, but are you including any prose poetry at all? I have three (previously published).


Unregistered User
(9/30/01 2:24:38 pm)
Prose poetry

As of this moment we haven't used any... but I wouldn't say it's an absolute. I'm more inclined to that form than my co-editor.

Again, send to my email address:

Thanks for your interest. --C

Registered User
(10/1/01 5:36:42 am)
Poetry submissions...
I just sent you some poems too. Cory-Ellen is also doing a collection, so let me know if you like any and I'll compare and get back to you.

Dandelion wishes,


Unregistered User
(10/3/01 4:01:28 am)
Do you know any Asian or Hispanic poets?
Thanks for all the help everyone.

Do any of you know of any Asian or Hispanic poets that may have done any fairytale (as in Grimm) poems?

I'm looking into Rita Dove today...

Our collection is really growing.

Thanks -- Claudia

Registered User
(10/3/01 7:33:11 am)
Re: Fairy tale poetry
You may already be drawing from it, but Edmund Spenser's "The Fairie Queene" is an absolutely beautiful poetic and moral epic written in the 16th century. The Cave of Despair, the Bower of Bliss, and The Hill of Graces are some of the most enchanting sections.

Looking forward to your collection.


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