Mt Mayon, One Of The Most Dangerous Volcanoes In The World, Above Rice Paddys., Albay, Philippines

Philippine Folk Tales Compiled and Annotated by Mabel Cook Cole

Dawn Sky Over Taal Lake, Home Of Taal Volcano., Lake Taal, Batangas, Philippines

Philippine Folk Tales
by Mabel Cook Cole



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The Boy Who Became a Stone

ONE day a little boy named Elonen sat out in the yard making a bird snare, and as he worked, a little bird called to him: "Tik-tik-lo-den" (come and catch me).

"I am making a snare for you," said the boy; but the bird continued to call until the snare was finished.

Then Elonen ran and threw the snare over the bird and caught it, and he put it in a jar in his house while he went with the other boys to swim.

While he was away, his grandmother grew hungry, so she ate the bird, and when Elonen returned and found that his bird was gone, he was so sad that he wished he might go away and never come back. He went out into the forest and walked a long distance, until finally he came to a big stone and said: "Stone, open your mouth and eat me." And the stone opened its mouth and swallowed the boy.

When his grandmother missed the boy, she went out and looked everywhere, hoping to find him. Finally she passed near the stone and it cried out, "Here he is." Then the old woman tried to open the stone but she could not, so she called the horses to come and help her. They came and kicked it, but it would not break. Then she called the carabao and they hooked it, but they only broke their horns. She called the chickens, which pecked it, and the thunder, which shook it, but nothing could open it, and she had to go home without the boy.

Cole, Mabel Cook. Philippine Folk Tales. London: Curtis Brown, 1916. Buy the book in paperback.

Available from

Philippine Folk Tales Compiled and Annotated by Mabel Cook Cole

Filipino Children's Favorite Stories by Liana Elena Romulo, Joanne de Leon

Abadeha: The Philippine Cinderella by Myrna J. De La Paz

Rockabye Crocodile: A Folktale from the Philippines by Jose Aruego

The Turtle and the Monkey (Philippine Tale) by Joanna C. Galdone, Paul Galdone

 Favorite Folktales from Around the World by Jane Yolen

Best-Loved Folktales of the World by Joanna Cole


©Heidi Anne Heiner, SurLaLune Fairy Tales
Page last updated June 1, 2005 Logo