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Author Comment
Rima at The Hermitage
Registered User
(9/24/06 6:50 am)
Greetings All!
I am new to this board but have often perused SurLaLune and have long been a lover of folktales...
I am a UK based illustrator and would like to invite you to wander my newly created website and tell me your thoughts...

Warmest wishes

Registered User
(9/24/06 8:59 am)
Great stuff: Bauer and Rackham with a modern touch. Thanks.


Rima at The Hermitage
Registered User
(9/24/06 11:57 am)
Re: WOW!
Thanks Jane.. What a compliment!
So glad you enjoyed my work.


( PS - the illustration for The Pigeon's Bride was inspired by your book: Fearless Girls, Wise Women, and Beloved Sisters! )

Edited by: Rima at The Hermitage at: 9/24/06 12:06 pm
Registered User
(9/24/06 3:18 pm)
Re: WOW!
Rima--I didn't write that--or put it together. I wrote an intro for it.

But good to know.


Registered User
(9/25/06 7:27 am)
Re: WOW!
Artists always seem to put together the most interesting sites. I've seen a couple others but I can't recall the addresses right now.

Registered User
(9/28/06 7:34 am)
The Hermitage

Rima, this site is wonderful-so glad you came on board and told us about it ! When you say (on the site) you were born in the 20th century but really belong in an earlier time and don't know quite what to do about it, I relate completely !

These things you have created are magnificent :)

Rima at The Hermitage
Registered User
(9/30/06 1:45 am)
Re: The Hermitage
Thank you - it is so encouraging to hear that people are enjoying my work... :-)
Yes it is a problem feeling not completely "here" in the modern world sometimes! But I guess a blessing too?....

Nin Harris
Registered User
(9/30/06 2:06 am)
Re: The Hermitage
I peeked at your site via the Endicott Studio wordpress blog and am most impressed. Gorgeous stuff!

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