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Registered User
(9/21/06 3:58 pm)
Hi there,
I haven't posted for a while. I was just wondering if anyone knew of any tales involving pirates (aside from pirates of the caribean of course). This is a matter of personal interest really, I am quite familiar with the rumours about various real pirates such as anne reid, anne bonnie etc. but I was looking for more mythical tales.

P.S. Thank you all those who responded to my threads on Cinderella, they really helped my research and I would like to proudly inform you I manages to get a 1st for my dissertation! *sigh of relief*


Veronica Schanoes
Registered User
(9/21/06 5:45 pm)
Re: Pirates!
Fairy/folktales involving pirates, or fictional stories in general?

Registered User
(9/22/06 7:05 am)
Re: Pirates!
There's a fair tradition of folk stories involving sailors (such as the Fisherman and his Wife), but the only stories I can think of are about the actual pirates themselves. By the time Andersen and the Grimms had started writing their tales, the more famous pirates would have been history but recent enough not to be considered the subject of folk tales.

Registered User
(9/22/06 12:42 pm)
Re: Pirates!
Yes I see what you mean Patrick. Hmmmn, a little disappointing. Captain Hook will ahve to do.hehe.
Thanks though.

Veronica, I was thinking more along the lines of folk tales.

Veronica Schanoes
Registered User
(9/22/06 1:47 pm)
Re: Pirates!
Well, hmm, what about stories involving ghost ships? The Marie Celeste and the Flying Dutchman are folktales in the way that urban legends are folktales. They could be pressed into pirate service!

Registered User
(9/22/06 9:50 pm)
Re: Pirates!
And, if ghost ships fit what you're looking for, Veronica's comment reminded me of the Rime of the Ancient Mariner and (much more recent) The Wreck fo the Edmund Fitzgerald.

I don't know of any full-fledged narrative folktales about pirates, but they do sometimes make guest appearances as ghost or bogeyman-type characters in folklore and legends of heavily-pirated regions, e.g. Cornwall, Jamaica, etc.

Registered User
(9/23/06 2:24 am)
Re: Pirates!
hehe, thanks guys. I'll do a bit of reading arounds and perhaps I should go back and explore Hastings again, they ahve a lot of underground pirate smuggling stories now that I remember.

Thanks again.

Registered User
(9/23/06 9:47 am)
pirate folklore
Not folk tales, but I've always been fascinated by historical accounts of Mary Read and Anne Bonny, real women with pretty exciting careers as pirates.
How exactly are we drawing the lines around folklore? Much of the known information about the women has entered the territory of legend. For instance, we don't know for a fact that Anne Bonny actually yelled, "If you had fought like a man, you need not have died like a dog!" to her lover, Calico Jack Rackham, as he was hung... but I hope she did :)

Registered User
(9/23/06 9:48 am)
Re: pirate folklore
Oops-- I didn't see you mentioned them in your first post. Well, at least it's a good quote. ;)

Registered User
(9/24/06 5:03 am)
Re: pirate folklore
And if you want a children's picture book about female pirates try eithermy BALLAD OF THE PIRATE QUEENS (about Anne Bonney and Mary Read) or Emily Arnold McCauley's PIRATE QUEEN (about Grace O'Malley.)

As is said above, much about them has entered the realm of folkore.


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