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aka Greensleeves
Registered User
(8/1/06 3:41 pm)
Moore & Gebbie's Lost Girls
I seem to recall that there has been some discussion here of The Lost Girls, a graphic novel/comic series by Alan Moore and Melinda Gebbie. They're coming out in a new hardcover collection, but the pricetag is pretty hefty.

Anyone know this work?

(edited b/c ezboard ate my subject line)

Edited by: aka Greensleeves at: 8/1/06 3:42 pm
Unregistered User
(8/2/06 3:02 am)
Re: Moore & Gebbie's Lost Girls
FWIH, some of the original authors' estates have sued over Moore's artsy-deconstructionist views of the copyrighted characters--
Look like Moore retreaded his old "League of Extraordinary Gentlemen" shtick one step too far, this time... :o

Unregistered User
(9/5/06 8:19 pm)
Re: Moore & Gebbie's Lost Girls
I've heard of it, and I really want to read it, but seeing as I'm a broke college student trying to scrounge up enough money to go to London this summer, I doubt I'll get to buy it anytime soon. Anywho, there are some pretty positive reviews online, and I know I've seen some interviews on the net. Plus, I'm sure if you search, you can find a few scanned pictures somewhere. But be warned: this IS erotica, so tread lightly! Hope you enjoy it!

Registered User
(9/11/06 4:05 am)
Boing Boing has a review of Moore's latest at

Registered User
(9/11/06 4:07 am)
Working Link
Let's see if I can get this link to work:

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amazon logo with link

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