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Registered User
(1/9/06 2:45 pm)
Match picture to story
Can someone match the image on this tile to a story?
The tile would have been made around before 1930 and most likely before 1920, so any stories later than that would be excluded.

The image is of a fawn (deer, young stag) with a collar and rope that has become entangled in a tree or bush perhaps from running with the rope dangling or perhaps it was tied to the tree and was struggling to free itself. (I believe it is a poplar or stylized oak tree if it is relevant.)
Here's the link to the tile image

Thanks in advance!

Registered User
(1/9/06 3:17 pm)
Fairytale ID
Might it be Brother and Sister? That has a fawn which wears a garter tied around its neck. I don't believe there is any part in the story in which he gets caught in a bush, but he does run through the bushes to evade hunters, and I suppose that getting caught in a bush would be a possible reason for his being wounded, as in the fairytale.

It's one of the Grimms', so it would work for the time specified, anyway.

Registered User
(1/9/06 5:11 pm)
Re: Fairytale ID
yes, that really seems to fit. I read on wikipidea that it was 'first published in the original 1812 edition of their Children's and Household Tales.' The collar, which I originally thought might have bells, could very well be a puckered garter, the rope seems to be hanging rather than being tied and the fawn's leg was injured in the story...
Thank you for the reference!

Registered User
(1/9/06 5:22 pm)
Fairytale Illustration
You're welcome! Glad that it seems to be what you're looking for.

Would it be prying if I asked how you came across the image, and how you knew to identify it with a fairytale? (I'm curious, that's all)

Heidi Anne Heiner
(1/9/06 7:55 pm)
Re: Fairytale Illustration
You can also compare the image to the Illustrations for Brother and Sister available on SurLaLune. The deer is a popular image in the illustrations.


Registered User
(1/10/06 4:19 am)
Re: Fairytale Illustration
I was very lucky to come across the tile at a barn sale of sorts - it's from the arts & crafts era.

Because the deer was obviously in distress I felt there must be some story behind it - particularly with the rope and collar. A normal decorative object would just have a "beauty shot" of a deer. I found that I wanted to know what happened to it - like a trailer for a movie. :) I began with Shakespeare thinking it was a tragic story but I couldn't find anything so I did a search for fairy tales and found this message board.

Thanks again.

Registered User
(1/10/06 4:34 am)
Re: Fairytale Illustration
Thank you so much for pointing out there were additional illustrations - I had missed the link when I read the story. Crane's image (1882) with the horn looks like it could be the real inspiration for this tile - that's wonderful - thank you!


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