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Registered User
(4/3/06 12:13 am)
White as snow..
Hey my name is Daniel. and i've been working on this story project.. my own adaptation of Snow White.. I was wondering if someone could lead me to some research of the darkest rendition? i'm also looking for rumors about the tale from different eras.. I'm drawing what I have so far from the Pentamerone's "the young slave." .. I'm doing an idependent film based on the tale.. and I am giving more insight to the notorious, "stepmother." except in my version she will be the biological mother.

there are some things i don't like about my idea so far.. and its pretty uneven.. but i could use some other sources..

here is a little synopsis.

Horrific Fairy Tales - Blood Lake: Horror
Mixed Media Film

  * Haunted Mirrors, beautiful ghosts with grudges. 'Blood Lake' soon to be my first full length movie is based on the classic fairy tale, Snow White. However, nothing is what it seems in this version. The internally conflicted Dierdre becomes obsessed with a reacurrant dream that drives her into insanity. These events occur continuously after the attempt of murder of her unwanted and nameless daughter.
Will be produced using; Sims 2, Animation (studio artist 3.5), real life movie clips, etc.

Edited by: Mirrormuse at: 4/3/06 12:18 am
Chris K
Unregistered User
(4/3/06 1:50 pm)
Re: white as snow
Hi Daniel,
I've been mulling over a short story also drawing from Snow White (and Sleeping Beauty). I found reading Bruno Bettelheim's alaysis of Snow White in Uses of Enchantment: The Meaning and Importance of Fairytales, a helpful spring board to ideas. While he gets too Freudian for might be intriguing for you to explore the relationship of the mother and daughter (esp. since you are making her the biological mother) and the jealousy there. If we are talking about some of human nature's darker emotions, it makes sense that a mother might feel eclipsed by her daughter not just in the beauty sense but in function and role in the family/community/society. And while most good (well adjusted) mothers help their daughters "be the best they can be" there might be an underlying resentment associated with fading into the background esp. if that parent is used to being in the spotlight and can't gain vicarious satisfaction via their offspring.
What makes it so horrific is that it IS the mother, with all that that role implies.
Well hope that helps. I'd like to see your film! :)

Unregistered User
(4/3/06 8:10 pm)
Snow White
I too am making a version of the tale on film. It really sounds like you have yours under control, unlike mine. From a marketing standpoint, both of our films are marketing suicide. Fairy tales don't sell much unless thye are aimed at kids, so definatly push the horror envelope to the extreme, which is what I am trying to do. I wish I could hear more about it, it sounds very interesting.

I wish you the best of luck.

Terri Windling
Registered User
(4/4/06 1:15 pm)
Re: Snow White
Here's an online article on the history of Snow White:

For a very dark tale on the tale, try Tanith Lee's novel White As Snow.

Registered User
(4/14/06 2:21 am)
Re: Snow White
Gaiman's 'Snow, Glass, Apples' is also a very, very dark take on Snow White.

Maire Smith

Registered User
(4/14/06 3:28 pm)
well, I don't have any valid studies or criticism to offer, however, the Grimm version has a notably sinister ending concerning the punishment of the wicked queen, dancing in red hot shoes until she drops down dead.
Also the release of the Disney version disturbed many parents who felt the portrayal of the wicked queen was too frightening and sisnister for their children.

Registered User
(4/16/06 11:40 pm)
Re: hmmm
I can't say the wicked queen scared me, but Snow White's flight through the forest gave me a set of images of malign trees that stuck with me for years. Very, very scary.

Maire Smith

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