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Registered User
(4/1/06 7:39 pm)
Storybook International DVD
Shelley Duvall's Faerie Tale Theatre was great.
Is anyone familiar with Storybook International?
I searched on it and was surprised there was no past discussion about it. Amazon sent me an e-mail sayng it was now out on DVD and if I liked Shelley Duvall's Faerie Tale Theatre, I would like Storybook International also. Before I spend the money on it I would like the opinion of this discussion board. There is no good discription given, so I am wondering about its quality.

I really liked The Storyteller series by Jim Henson - 9 wonderfully done stories, my personal favorite - The Soldier and Death. They are a wonderful blend of old favorites and a couple new to me. I would like something of the similar quality.


Heidi Anne Heiner
(4/1/06 11:21 pm)
Re: Storybook International DVD
I have a page dedicated to Storybook International on SurLaLune. I also have a review for it on Amazon. There is more of an independent film feel to the series. The acting is not the strongest I've ever seen, but overall it's sufficient to the needs of the stories. The stories and storytelling, however, are wonderful and I do recommend the series. The series is closer in tone to Henson's Storyteller than to Duvall's campy Faerie Tale Theatre, less theatrical than either, too, but in many ways it feels more authentic for this very reason. You'll find 65 tales, some will be familiar but I imagine you'll probably many new ones that won't be as familiar.


Edited by: Heidi Anne Heiner at: 4/1/06 11:22 pm
Registered User
(4/2/06 2:42 pm)
Re: Storybook International DVD
Thanks - that is just what I wanted to know.


Unregistered User
(4/16/06 8:36 am)
Re:Storybook International DVD

The television series Storybook International has been discussed twice on this site and the threads may be found in the April 2004 and April 2005 archives, respectively. I confess that it was me who began the April 2004 thread and who was very kindly replied to by other site users.

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