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Unregistered User
(4/23/06 8:59 am)
Hansel & Gretel / Childhood Production, McCann narrating
Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I can locate and purchase a copy of:
Hansel & Gretel
English-Language version (re-release):
(circa 1972) Holiday Storybook Films 45 minutes
Music: Milton and Anne Delugg
Produced by William Starkey
Directed by Anthony Calabrese
With: Chuck McCann, Siobhan McCann, Jennifer McCann
I can find many sites that feature reference information to the film, cast, story - but cannot find a copy. Well, I did find one copy for $20, received it and it looks like it was a 100th burned version of a 100th burned version!
I appreciate any resources you might suggest.

Unregistered User
(4/24/06 3:22 pm)
Rhino version!
Rhino Home Video released a version of it and it has a animated cover, making it look much like a cartoon, but don't be fooled. I think it was part of a fairy tale video series.

This is the dubbed and narrarated German movie where the snowman comes to life in one sequence, right?

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