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Unregistered User
(11/11/05 9:17 pm)
magical objects
I am interested in magical objects that act as protection or guide for the main characters. I'm wanting to do some research with the idea of using the objects as part of an art piece. Any suggestions of tales or sources?

Registered User
(11/12/05 9:24 am)
Re: magical objects
Off the top of my head: in the Goose Girl, the princess' mother gives her a handkerchief with drops of her blood that protect her until it is lost.

In Vasilisa the Fair, she has a magical doll that protects her, in a way, by performing impossible deeds on her behalf.


Unregistered User
(11/12/05 9:13 pm)
magical objects
Thanks Alice--that is just the kind of thing that I am looking for. Any other leads?

Veronica Schanoes
Registered User
(11/12/05 9:37 pm)
Re: magical objects
Just a question based on your screen name, dms. You aren't, by any chance, related to me, are you?

Unregistered User
(11/13/05 6:04 am)
Magical objects
Hi dms - there are the three walnuts which are given to the heroine of stories like East of the Sun and West of the Moon which she has to open when she is in most need - they turn out to contain beautiful, desirable, magical objects - such as a golden spinning wheel, a golden loom, and a golden maiden to weave on it which she gives to the troll wife in exchange for three successive nights with her husband; the hair, the scale and the feather given to the Youngest Brother by the lion, the fish and the bird he rescues which allows him to call them to his help - the three feathers pulled from the oger's rump, or the three golden hairs from the devil's head which the young hero is ordered to obtain by the king; the egg which often holds the magician's soul; the feathercoat belonging to the swan maiden, or the sealskin belonging to the sealbride which allows them to change their shapes...and of course, Cinderella's glass slipper...
those are a few to be going on with anyway

Unregistered User
(11/13/05 1:44 pm)
ruby slippers
Dorothy's ruby slippers

Registered User
(11/13/05 2:12 pm)
Magical objects
How about the King of the Gold Mines's diamond sword in Mme d'Aulnoy's the Yellow Dwarf? It made him essentially invulnerable, until he let it drop.

Or the soldier's tinder-box in Hans Christian Andersen's the Tinder-box. It not only provided him with the power to do as he wanted, it also protected him from the consequences.

Or the soldier's cloak of invisibility from the Grimms' Twelve Dancing Princesses. Protected him from discovery and failure, which would have caused his death.

There is also the She-Bear, in which a bit of wood in allows the heroine to change into a bear when she puts it in her mouth (something which she uses as protection against her too-fond father).

I know there are more, but that's all I can think of at present.

Registered User
(11/14/05 3:22 am)
Re: Magical objects
This might not be the type of thing you are looking for but in the hundreds of Cinderella versions I have read, she normally has an animal helper who is then killed and eaten by her stepmother and it is the bones of the animal that help her, she wishes on them...are bones an object, not really..but thought I'd mention it.
Also, there is the tree that helps her, sometimes it is a golden pear tree, sometimes a date tree, sometimes a hazel tree. She plants the tree and cares for it and then it cares for her.

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