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Author Comment
shiara the witch
Registered User
(1/19/05 8:24 pm)
What are some fairy tales with a male villian? The only one I can think of off the top of my head is Bluebeard.

Helen J Pilinovsky
Registered User
(1/19/05 9:15 pm)
Re: Villian
Well, let's see ... there are the Russian fairy tales featuring Koschei the Deathless: there's Donkeyskin; there's Puss in Boots; there's Rumplestiltskin; there's Little Red Riding Hood ... these are just a few of the ones which pop to mind. Are you looking for a specific characteristic or scenario?

Veronica Schanoes
Registered User
(1/20/05 3:18 am)
Re: Villian
Snow White and Rose Red, Jack and the Beanstalk, Jack the Giant Killer.

Black Sheep
Registered User
(1/20/05 1:06 pm)
Re: Villian
Aladdin (Al Adin?)
Tom Tit Tot (Rumpelstiltskin)
Mr Fox (Bluebeard)
Cap O' Rushes (Catskin)

shiara the witch
Registered User
(1/20/05 5:05 pm)
Re: Villian
Well, it would be preferable if the villian was human, since I have a vague idea for a short story romance. Koschei the Deathless would most likely work, which fairy tales are he in?

Unregistered User
(1/21/05 2:52 am)
The absence of a male villian.
Sure there are male villians in fairy tales, but why are women painted in such a bad light? And why are most of the men handsome princes? Or am I overgeneralising again?

Unregistered User
(1/21/05 1:17 pm)
Kotschei the Deathless
Kotschei the deathlesss is a Russian fairytale.
It relates to the tales with the firebird.
I beleive the traditional tale is called "Kotschei the Deathless and The Firebird"

Also I think Kotschei is a demon but I am not sure....I haven't seen the story for a while

Good lUck

Registered User
(1/26/05 6:56 pm)
Re: Kotschei the Deathless
There is another version of Koschei the deathless, called Soria Moria Castle. Ivan (stock protagonist) is captured by Vassilissa, a warrior queen. She falls in love with him and gives him run of the castle, aside from one little room--which he looks into immediately. Turns out Vassilissa has her arch nemesis Koschei chained up in there, who regains his strength as soon as Ivan brings him a bit of water. Various motifs surface, and eventually everything is worked out.

Other human, male villains include the two older princes, who always betray their young brother; the wicked king who tries to kill the boy prophesied to marry the princess; the fiance in the Robber's Bride (similar but not identical to Bluebeard).

shiara the witch
Registered User
(1/29/05 2:42 pm)
Re: Villian
What exactly was the order that Ivan found Koschei's heart? I remember it was in an egg, and several animals helped him, but I can't seem to find the right story with him destroying the heart.

Registered User
(1/31/05 7:56 am)
I'm not sure about the Koschei version, but in the Heartless Giant the heart is in an egg in the duck which is swimming in the well in a church. So the wolf carries the boy, the bird gets the keys to the church, and the fish retrieves the egg from the well.

In Lackey's version of the Firebird, another Koschei story, it is the helpful fox who catches the duck (rabbit?).

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