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Registered User
(12/6/05 11:24 pm)
I need your help...
I am new here and it seems fit to ask you guys help about my "fairytales" problem.
You see I am currently working with the drama group in my ex-high school to put up a show for elementary school children and family. We want to do it on "world fairytales". The thing is it is my job to find and adapt (to rpovides enough roles for everybody) at least 7 fairytales. They must have a common link/theme between them. I wasthinking of stories involving princes/princessesand adventure since children do like that. I've been doing a lot of reading and here is what I think we need

-1 or 2 Asian fairytales
-1 Russian fairytale
-1 French and/or German fairytale
-1 Native American fairytale
-1 fairytale from South-America and/or Middle East (although we did Aladdin two years ago)

or others
We ruled out Africa, since the students didn't feel confident and comfortable enough in bringing the African mythology to life faithfully enough (I guess being an all-white cast didn't help)

We also need diversity since we want to bring 7 "tableaux" as differentas possible in music/stage setting/costume etc...

We also want to stay away from well-known fairytales: Sleaping Beauty, Cinderella, Snow white, Red Riding Hood, etc...

So if you have ides I'll be very grateful to hear about them.

Thank you so much!

Registered User
(12/7/05 1:42 pm)
Re: I need your help...
It seems as if you first need to decide which tales to use. You should look through the tales on the SurLaLune site. There's a good collection there.

Registered User
(12/8/05 11:26 am)
Re: I need your help...
oh, I already have some ideas, I was just wondering if you guys had some fairytales that would pop into your head, some ideas. It's just that I'm quite alone to do this adaptation, and I just need some more ideas. Thanks!

Registered User
(12/8/05 12:51 pm)
Re: I need your help...
Maybe if you gave us some of your ideas, we could suggest things that seem to go well with yours.


Registered User
(12/9/05 7:16 am)
I have an idea
Cinderella is perfect! You could do Perrault's french version, you know..the glass slipper/pumpkin coach etc, or you could do the German version. However, you may feel that this depends on how old the children are as the Grimms tales, though eventually written for children were rather violent...plucking out of eyes and chopping off of toes to fit into the slipper etc.
Let us know what you decide upon. But to echo the others, it is worth checking up on this site as Heidi has loadds of versions from all over the world that could give you some real inspiration.

Rosemary Lake
Registered User
(12/9/05 9:05 pm)
[[ They must have a common link/theme between them. I was thinking of stories involving princes/princessesand adventure ]]

Many Russian tales have a captive princess and a hero who has adventures finding and rescuing her. "Marya Morevna" is a little different because the princess is a warrior herself and they are married before she is captured.

I think the heroine of "King Valemon" is a princess. It's like "East of the Sun and West of the Moon." She marries a bear and then he is captured and she has many adventures finding him. (Hm, those stories are sort of mirror images: in both cases one spouse is captured because the other violates a prohibition.) This appears in several Northern European countries.

A Mediterranean tale, "Mr. Semolina", has a princess whose husband is kidnapped and she seeks him.

There's an Indian tale in Lang's ARABIAN NIGHTS about a girl (I think she's a princess) who rescues her brothers who went seeking a treasure and were turned to stone.

Registered User
(12/10/05 11:30 am)
Re: tales
Thank you so much I am definitly going to check that out!
Next week I am going t have access to a bigger library than the one in my home town, it is going to be easier for me since everything I find in english I have to translate in french and then adapt. But I like you ideas! I'll try to find them in french, and if I don't then I'll just translate them. I'll let you know if I find something interesting, to get your opinions. Thanks again and if you have other ideas don't hesitate!

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