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Registered User
(7/27/05 10:49 am)
What exactly is the story of Chewbacabra?
I was watching Sylvia Browne on Montel speak about it being real. What is it? I have never heard of it before. Please someone explain the story and what a chewbacabra is. Hopefully I'm spelling it corectly.

Registered User
(7/27/05 11:16 am)
Re: What exactly is the story of Chewbacabra?
Chupacabra is almost more of an urban legend than a story, but it is a half goat/half snake-like monster that is said to haunt the rurals of Mexico and Texas. I'm not sure how far back the stories go, but I only started hearing about it approximately 6 or 7 years ago, and I grew up in Texas. I think the legend is actually quite old, but that would have been around the time of an x-files episode that featured Chupacabra, which means "goat-sucker", and that's when I remember seeing t-shirts and gift items popularizing the creature. It's similar to a Bigfoot/Sasquatch legend, only the creature is more menacing and is said to kill and eat livestock.


Registered User
(7/27/05 11:29 am)
Re: What exactly is the story of Chewbacabra?
Callie, thanks so much for responding to my post. I had NEVER heard of a chupacabra before. However, I did see quite a bit of "The Mothman Prophecies" a few years back. Is that what the movie was based on? The pic I saw it appears that the creature may have wings. It was only a brief pic so my memory could be wrong.What do chupacabras do to people? Have people ever really seen this creature?This sounds crazy, but,I'm just curious.

Registered User
(7/27/05 11:36 am)
Re: What exactly is the story of Chewbacabra?
I haven't seen the Mothman Prophecies, but after I sent the last reply to your post, I looked up a little info on Chupacabra on the web and I found this web site which had some interesting information. Evidently the legend really is only a few years old, which would explain why I don't recall hearing about it earlier than that. The Chupacabra story came about after a series of livestock mutilations, but I haven't heard of anyone claiming to be personally attacked by a Chupacabra. Evidently it's only a threat to farm animals.


Registered User
(7/27/05 11:50 am)
Re: What exactly is the story of Chewbacabra?
Once again thanks for replying Callie. I'm not a big fan of horror movies, so I only watched "The Mothman Prophecies" because Richard Gere was in it. LOL and because I was curious about the story. I have only seen the movie once. And did not even see the entire movie then. I love animals, so this story of the Chupacabra ia just scary as hell. Remind me never to go to Puerto Rico, Texas or Mexico. LOL

Registered User
(7/28/05 10:46 am)
Re: What exactly is the story of Chewbacabra?
The chewbacrabra - the Mexican goat sucker - is considered to be a type of vampire except instead of two fangs it has four. It predominately attacks cattle. I've heard of reports that link the appearance of the chewbacabra with appearances of UFOs over the Mexican skies - - reports of flying saucers in Mexico are profuse.

I can't say about the movie, Mothman Prophecies, but mothman was a beast that plagued the Virginia area and has since colonial times. I believe there's even old Indian tales about it. The description of it tends to be a bit illusive - it's a large grey/black/blue thing with red eyes. The red eyes is a unique feature of the mothman.

There's lots of interesting creatures out there - - Jersey Devil (a type of dog/wolf) is always interesting...but I digress.

aka Greensleeves
Registered User
(7/28/05 12:58 pm)
Re: What exactly is the story of Chewbacabra?
Ok, I realize this is nitpicky, but for all the other nitpickers who might be interested, the correct spelling is

chupacabras (with the terminal s).

The word is a Spanish compound word literally meaning "goat sucker." Or, if we're translating exactly, "licks goats" or "sucks goats" (from chupar: to lick or to suck and cabra: goat).

One of those beautiful examples of a language's ability to be both precise and evocative.

Edited by: aka Greensleeves at: 7/28/05 1:01 pm
Registered User
(7/28/05 6:53 pm)
Re: What exactly the story of Chewbacabra?
Whatever the case may be with Chupacabras or the Mothman, I damn sure don't want to see either one of these things. Eww! Geez, when I grew up we had Bloody Mary and The Boogeyman, now there's all this other stuff.

Registered User
(7/29/05 5:57 am)
Re: What exactly is the story of Chewbacabra?
According to urban legend, Chupacabras or "Goat-suckers" as they are know in Spanish were first sited in 1995 in Puerto Rico. Corpses of chicken, sheep and goats were being discovered drained of blood and marked with only one puncture wound.
I heard of these dastardly little vampirical creatures when living in Chile as they have become a part of the rich Latin American folklore throughout all of South America.
The website Cryptozoo: Cryptozoo
has some information on Chupacabras and other mythical monsters whose names crop up in urban legends.
There is a great book called "Fabulous Creatures and other Magical Beings" a fantastical book written by those enchanted by all that lies in the world of myths and legends who call themselves The Crypotzoological Society of London published by Carroll & Brown Publishers Limited in 2004.
This book has a few entries on Chupacabras and vivid sketches.
The only Chupacabras I came across while living in Chile lived on a cheap Chilean wine bottle label called "Chupacabra". This was a very cheap red with very cute drunken bat like creatures on the label. I must say I prefer this variety of Chupacabra, they didn't look like they could do any harm at all!

Registered User
(8/1/05 10:01 am)
Re: What exactly is the story of Chewbacabra?
IIRC, in the book, Jurassic Park, Michael Chrichton worked the legend into some early scenes on the mainland. The dinosaurs that attacked the little girl on the beach were referred to as chupacabras by the locals...

don't recall that loose end ever being tied up

You have to go deep into the silences to find the new sound

Elizabeth Genco
Registered User
(8/1/05 12:26 pm)

Re: What exactly is the story of Chewbacabra?
Goodness... at first glance, I thought the subject line read, "What exactly is the story of Chewbacca?" and I thought, hrm, I wonder if this is the right board for that... :)

Anyway, for what it's worth, there was an X-files episode on el Chupacabra during season 4, entitled "El Mundo Gira". Here's an episode guide with a synopsis.


Registered User
(8/14/05 9:45 pm)
Re: What exactly is the story of Chewbacabra?
I don't know much about the chupacabra. I do know a little bit about Mothman being from a town in WV an hour or so south of Point Pleasant, where the events of the Mothman Prophecies take place. So I guess this is a bit of correction. It's WV. I'm nitpicking b/c there is a little bit of tie-in between the Mothman events and the curse of Chief Cornstalk. And perhaps because I'm tired of the two states being confused. There is a bit of a distance between Western WV on the Ohio River and even Western Virginia as far as miles go. Just a gal that grew up in WV. (always weary of the question of how close I grew up to Roanoke...I've never even been to Virginia.)

But yes physcial descriptions of Mothman are usually something large with wings, red eyes and pale in color. Actually the older cover to the Mothman Prophecies has this fantasically skewed cover art by Frank Frazett, in which the Mothman is fantastically buff, humanoid and has the required barely clad woman at its feet. It is certainly an interesting take on what Mothman might look like.

I'm getting more than a bit off-topic though.

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