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Registered User
(4/2/05 4:04 pm)
What are good tales to rewrite and make in to comedies?
My friends and I are trying to start an acting/musical group, which rewrites fairy tales and turns them in to comedies. I was just wondering what fairy tales would be good for that sort of thing or just fairy tales that are comedic. The only reason I was wondering because the ones I've are either gory or involve abduction,or the standards (Rapunzel, Little Red Riding Hood,Sleeping Beauty and the like),or Greek Mythology,or Yeats,or they're Charles De Lint , Emma Bull, Holly Black,or Bordertown books, (which kinda don't count.) Can anybody help or give suggestions?

Edited by: phouka at: 4/2/05 6:03 pm
midori snyder
Registered User
(4/2/05 6:59 pm)

Re: What are good tales to rewrite and make in to comedies?
almost all trickster tales have a fair amount of humor...and have a look at the "clever maids" sort of tales. Jack Zipes 2 volume Scicilian collection is full of them!! "Beautiful Anquissola" and "The Robber's Witch Head." In many ways one read the early forerunners of the Commedia Dell'arte's clever maid Columbina and her always hungry, always lustful bumbling trickster boyfriend Arleccino.

Registered User
(4/2/05 7:15 pm)
Re: What are good tales to rewrite and make in to comedies?

Edited by: phouka at: 4/2/05 7:23 pm
Unregistered User
(4/4/05 1:12 am)
re: comedies
I have always thought the twelve dancing princesses has very comedic overtones, and since it was never made into a disney film you can play with the story without fear that people have seen the story over and over again.

Registered User
(4/4/05 11:16 pm)
comedic stories
I don't know if this is appropriate to what you are doing, but I think lots of Native American tales have a wry sort of humor. Not just Coyote stories, which fall into the trickster category, but many stories have humorous elements that could be highlighted for your purpose. I am partial to the Raven tales common to the Inuit peoples of Alaska.

Registered User
(4/8/05 9:22 pm)
Re: comedic stories
How about The Frog Prince? Imagine if your pet/confidant all of a sudden became human? All those secrets you whispered in the night, suddenly you were speaking to a HUMAN instead?

Unregistered User
(4/10/05 12:35 am)
Thurber wrote a very funny fairy tale called "The White Deer," it is one of my favorites and I am sure it would be easily transcribed for stage

Rosemary Lake
Registered User
(4/10/05 9:47 pm)
try Joseph Jacobs
Several of the stories in Joseph Jacobs's collections of English fairy tales are comic or could be made so.

Unregistered User
(4/11/05 2:46 pm)
I think the Girl who Trod On a Loaf would be funny.

Also, Snow White and Rose Red is hysterical is so many ways. I could see this one playing to both adult and child audiences that is at different levels.

Any of the Poor Ivan stories could be done with humor too. They are obviously written with some tongue in cheek in mind.

The Boy Who Didn't Know Fear could be done as a dark comedy.


Unregistered User
(4/12/05 6:41 pm)
Dancing Princesses and Princess and the Pea
Good call on The Dancing Princesses. I'd have to also go with The Princess and the Pea. It has huge potential for a comedy

Unregistered User
(4/12/05 9:00 pm)
Princess and the Pea
Yup, it is called "Once upon a Mattress". Very funny, especially with Carol Burnett in the lead role.

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