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sara lindsey
Registered User
(4/3/05 1:47 am)
Why is T.S. Hyman's LRRH named Elisabeth?
Just out of curiosity, does anyone know the significance of Trina Schart Hyman naming the heroine Elisabeth in her LRRH? I would assume, if anything, that Trina was a nickname for Katherine... I looked up the meaning of Elisabeth, which has Hebrew/Germanic origins, and meant "God's oath." That doesn't seem terribly appropriate as a symbolic name for LRRH. It's not really all that important but I was curious if anyone knew why she threw that name in there, especially since it isn't used again after the opening line...

Dark Siren
Unregistered User
(4/4/05 10:36 am)
What's LRRH?
I think the subject says it all...what's LRRH?

Black Sheep
Registered User
(4/4/05 1:25 pm)
Re: What's LRRH?
Little Red Riding Hood

Dark Siren
Unregistered User
(4/6/05 2:07 pm)
Re: What's LRRH?

Registered User
(4/6/05 8:35 pm)
Re: Why is T.S. Hyman's LRRH named Elisabeth?
I have no authoritative source to corroborate my theory about this, but I suspect she named LRRH Elizabeth as a nod to Elizabeth Orton Jones. EOJ illustrated a 1948 Little Golden Book version of LRRH - which I strongly suspect was one of TSH's primary sources of the story when she was a child. The first time I looked at this version which I found in a thrift store (there is something very sweet about EOJs work - she won a Caldecott for her illustrations in "Small Rain") I had a huge sense of deja vu. I bought it and then compared it to my TSH version at home. There are a number of striking similarities in the page layouts of at least half the book.

It looks like homage to me. That's my theory, and I'm sticking to it! :-) (Unless anyone has a better one).


sara lindsey
Registered User
(4/6/05 10:26 pm)
Re: Why is T.S. Hyman's LRRH named Elisabeth?
Hey Tara -
I think you've got it! I went back to look at the interview -Trina Schart Hyman - on Women Children's Book Illustrators and, sure enough, Hyman wrote: "My favorite book was Grimm’s Fairy Tales. There weren’t picture books the way we know them now when I was a kid. There were books with pictures in them, but the first picture books that I remember were Little Golden Books."
Thanks for helping me solve the mystery!
Sara (who is now off to research Elizabeth Orton Jones!)

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