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Author Comment
Heidi Anne Heiner
(1/21/05 3:52 pm)
Storybook International on DVD

Editor's Note (3/28/2006): Storybook International is now available on DVD. Read more about the series at Storybook International.


"Starmaker II, has completed its licensing agreement for the exclusive home video rights for North America for Storybook International. There are 65 episodes. We expect these will be released as multi-episode, multi-disc packages. There will also be a complete collection boxed set."

We've had inquiries about this series in the past and I'll keep SurLaLune updated. I personally think these are great for the classroom since they avoid the campiness of Faerie Tale Theatre. Anyone have any fond memories of the series?

Here's a list of the 65 of the episodes:

Clever Manka  (Czechoslovakia)
Moses and the Lime-Kiln (Middle East)
Cap O' Rushes (England)
Soldier Who Didn't Wash, The (Russia)
Widow's Lazy Daughter, The  (Ireland)
Grief of Pi-Kari, The  (Maori)
Pedlar,s Dream, The (England)
Priest Know-All, The (Norway)
Foolish Brother, The   (Turkey)
Emperor and the Abbot, The  (Austria)
Forbidden Door, The (Arabia)
Sorrow  (Hungary)
Straw Hat, The  (Germany)
Well of the World's End, The (Scotland)
Riches or Happiness  (India)
Hinemoa (Maori)
Five Loaves, The (Rumania)
Island of the Drums, The  (Samoa)
Twelve Months, The  (Hungary)
Nikorima (Maori)
Simpleton Peter (England)
Haunted Pastures, The  (Bavaria)
Morwen of the Woodlands (Wales)
Russian and the Tartar, The (Russia)
Hired Help, The (Eastern Europe)
100 Cattle (Africa)
Black Cape, The (Spain)
Perfect Prince?, The  (India)
Minu (Africa)
Basket of Flowers, The (Scandinavia)
Talking Pony, The (Spain)
Spoiled Son, The (Rumania)
King's Secret, The (China)
Miraculous Doctor, The (France)
Rich Man, Poor Man (Africa)
Woodcutter and the Devil, The (Eastern Europe)
Mysterious Woodcutter, The  (Korea)
Surprise Gift, The  (India)
Robber Chief, The  (Scandinavia)
Enchanted King, The  (Rumania)
Three Coins, The  (Spain)
Foolish Lad, The  (Eastern Europe)
Blacksmith, The  (Africa)
Bar of Gold, The  (Eastern Europe)
Clever Thief, The (China)
Squire's Bride, The  (Scandinavia)
Lost Ruby, The (India)
Blind Beauty, The (Philippines)
Wise Merchant, The  (Arabia)
Two For One  (Arabia)
Little Beggar, The  (Arabia)
Great Heart  (North American Indian)
Old Kitbag, The (Canada)
Strange Guest, The  (Canada)
Clever Trapper, The (Canada)
Myself  (Canada)
Magic Stone, The  (Serbia)
Bags of Silver  (Croatia)
Ambitious Cobbler, The (Slovenia)
Stubborn Princess, The  (Eastern Europe)
Great Slayer, The  (Eastern Europe)
Princess Who Never Laughed, The  (Slovenia)
The Three Helpers (Turkey)
Secret Soup (Wales)
The Discontented Daughter (Wales)


Edited by: Heidi Anne Heiner at: 2/27/05 10:29 am
Unregistered User
(1/22/05 12:27 pm)
I've actually never heard of this series. When did it air? Sounds coo,. Starmaker 2 is quickly becoming my favorite DVD company.

Unregistered User
(2/26/05 9:09 pm)
At last!
I think it might have been me who first enquired about Storybook International with my thread, filed in the December 2003 archive of this discussion board. Storybook International has always haunted me since those British screenings on Children's ITV way back in my 1980s childhood, yet it has proved infuriatingly elusive - up to now, that is.
Thank-you Heidi for the thread, and hats off to Starmaker 2 for finally releasing this series (I hope that it might eventually come out on region 2 DVD).

Heidi Anne Heiner
(2/27/05 10:21 am)
Re: At last!
The people at Starmaker II have asked me to inquire about the kind of extras or features that would generate the most interest for these DVDs. The packaging and marketing are being prepared and Starmaker II is sincerely interested in meeting the desires of their consumers as much as possible.

I have had the chance to view a screener of one film and was impressed, having missed these when they originally aired. They are high quality--think well-made independent 20 minute short films--with none of the campiness found in the Faerie Tale Theatre series. The films are also true to the source material. The filmmakers used regional actors and locations, providing an authenticity that is refreshing. This technique also requires a voiceover narration to overcome language barriers that gives the storyteller feel to the series. In other words, these are not like the Faerie Tale Theatre episodes, but more similar to Tom Davenport's fairy tale films in style and tone without the southern US aura.

Please feel free to ask any questions or make comments. The films will be reasonably priced and affordable, too, so I'm excited to see them being prepared for a wider release.


Unregistered User
(3/2/05 4:44 pm)
storybook international
hi, ive just joined so i can ask a question that was'nt answered .

is storybook international going to be released to the u.k, or on region 2 dvd.



Heidi Anne Heiner
(3/2/05 5:01 pm)
Re: storybook international
Hello Lee,

Starmaker II only has the rights for a Region 1 distribution. We can only hope some other enterprising group will pick it up for Region 2.


Unregistered User
(3/2/05 10:09 pm)
In response to Starmaker II video release.
Well Heidi, now that you've got me going! If Starmaker II would like some suggestions as to what might be included in the Storybook International release then I would be very interested to know about the origins of the series ( I have often wondered if it was eastern European in origin as I know that the Czech Republic has a reputation for making these fairy-tale/folk-tale films ). A little "making of..." documentary would be great, as would any interviews with the original cast and crew and perhaps some comments from an academic or professional folk-lore expert;although as the series is rather old, obscure and was made in so many different countries, I concede that my first two suggestions may be a little tricky.
And if Starmaker II are unable to release the series on region 2 DVD, then maybe a home entertainment label such as IceStorm might take it up ( as they did with the Singing Ringing Tree and the Tales from Europe series.

Registered User
(3/3/05 8:16 am)
A question from the clueless.
What's a Region 1 or Region 2 release?


Unregistered User
(3/5/05 5:32 pm)
Re:A question from the clueless.
DVDs (digital versatile discs) are divided into three regions. Region 1 covers the United States, Canada and South America, Region 2 covers Europe and the Middle East, and Region 3 covers the Far East; I've forgotten which regions Africa and Australasia are categorized under. Anyway, a Region 1 DVD, for example, will only work in a Region 1 DVD player. Try to place a Region 1 DVD(intended for American audiences) in a Region 2 DVD player (the only sort of machine available on the British retail market) and it won't play. This system is meant to give complete control to a DVD title's distributors, so that they have the prerogative as to where that specific title can be purchased in the world. It should be noted that certain DVDs are classified as "multi-regional", meaning that they will work on any machine, regardless of its region.

Registered User
(3/6/05 4:26 pm)
Re: Re:A question from the clueless.
Thank you Daniel!


Black Sheep
Registered User
(3/7/05 2:30 pm)
Re: A question from the clueless.
Although on some computers, including mine, even clueless folk such as me can region cheat...

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