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Registered User
(4/19/05 4:17 pm)
Reading into De Lint's Newford characters too much?
Is it just me or did Charles De Lint put his friends in his Newford books, but under different names? For example Jilly Coppercorn might be Terri Windling or somebody else... Geordie and Christy Riddell might be De Lint himself? Or am i just reading into them too much?

Registered User
(4/19/05 4:58 pm)
Re: Reading into De Lint's Newford characters too much?
I would guess that there's not a one-to-one correlation -- down that path lies madness.

I would venture to guess that there are elements of people Charles knows -- and, perhaps moreso -- the types of people he knows, in his characters. But that's true of all writers.

(This reminds me of an interview I read with an author -- and I wish I could remember who -- who, when asked if his characters were based on anyone, replied that they were all based on him. More accurately, some aspect of himself was the guiding force behind each of his characters, and the conflicts between them, and the narrative in which they were involved, was a process of conciliation. It's a bit reductive to claim that fictional work is psychodrama writ large, but I do see elements of this observation in my own work...)

Unregistered User
(4/19/05 6:56 pm)
I wondered about that myself-- but I'll restrain myself from unfounded speculation on the personalities of the characters and just say he does borrow names... there's a Rory Crowther in Someplace to be Flying, and Peter Crowther the author. There are others, I know, but I can't place them at the moment

Heidi Anne Heiner
(4/19/05 11:28 pm)
Re: names
You might also enjoy reading de Lint's Blue Girl since this board makes an appearance as a helpful place for the main character, Imogene.


Elizabeth Genco
Registered User
(4/21/05 9:09 pm)

Re: names
I love the fact that deLint gives SurLaLune the nod in THE BLUE GIRL. That made me smile.

*waves at willietheshakes*

What's that fiddle player in the subway thinking about?

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