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Unregistered User
(4/26/05 8:27 am)
the quest for the hottentot
Finding this website is like having a opening a present! How exciting! I have been looking for some time for a book that involves two characters - hottentot and someone I remember as skolinkinlot. When I found that someone else had posted a similar inquiry I was totally shocked. I don't remember the story at all though - just that the illustration of portrayed hottentot as a little guy with a red hat and red clothing... if ANYONE can help me... I would be so grateful. Even my mom (who yes, is supposed to remember EVERYTHING about my childhood) doesn't remember.

Unregistered User
(4/26/05 11:41 am)
Re: the quest for the hottentot
As if we on the children's-book Usenet group didn't know this one:
"The Fat Cat", as illustrated by Jack Kent.

Heidi Anne Heiner
(4/26/05 12:12 pm)
Re: the quest for the hottentot
Hmmm. If it is Fat Cat, there are two picture book versions of it.

Jack Kent's Fat Cat originally from 1971 is out of print but available used.

Or Margaret Read MacDonald's Fat Cat from 2001 which is still in print.

Kent's version is funnier. But I also like Jack Kent a lot.


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