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Unregistered User
(3/29/05 4:13 am)
prince falls in love with painting?
hi everyone,
i'm looking for a fairy tale about a prince who goes into a room he's been forbidden to enter (or draws aside a curtain/veil?) and finds a painting of a princess. he falls in love with the princess and sets off to find her. (there was some reason associated with the identity of the princess why he was forbidden from entering the room, but i can't remember what it was).

i'd really appreciate any help in identifying this tale. thanks!

Richard Parks
Registered User
(3/29/05 9:15 am)
Re: prince falls in love with painting?
There was a story I read years ago that was somewhat similar, except it wasn't a painting, it was a mirror, and the princess was only visible as a reflection. It ended rather sadly as I recall since, in order to free her, the prince took her place in the mirror, and at the end she would come and visit his reflection, that being the only contact they could have. Yet I am totally blanking on the story otherwise; I think it was a work of fiction and not a traditional tale, though it has some elements of "The Golden Branch."

La Reine Noire
Registered User
(3/29/05 10:26 am)
Re: prince falls in love with painting?
That actually sounds like one of the stories from the Thousand and One Nights, though I don't remember which one...

Edited by: La Reine Noire at: 3/29/05 10:27 am
Unregistered User
(3/29/05 10:27 am)
prince fals in love with painting
Look at Persian and Indian books of tales. Jane

Registered User
(3/29/05 2:34 pm)
Re: prince fals in love with painting
I believe there's a version of that in one of Andrew Lang's colored fairy books--not much help, I admit, since there were eight or ten books. This site has all of the books. I'd suggest looking for the story in the Green Fairy Book, under one of the 'Prince ___ and So-and-so' titles. There are probably a number of them which involve falling in love with portraits, considering the popularity of certain themes. Good luck!

Registered User
(3/29/05 4:53 pm)
re: Prince falls in love with a painting
There are probably a lot of fairytales that include this element, but the only one that I can think of off the top of my head is the Grimms' "Faithful John".

Unregistered User
(3/29/05 7:06 pm)
thanks everyone for the info/suggestions. i love how helpful people are at this message board

Terri Windling
Registered User
(4/1/05 8:10 am)
Re: thanks
Here's a story with some similar elements, but not quite the same:

In The White Deer by Madame D'Aulnoy, a prince falls in love with a painting of a princess and proposes marriage to her (through an envoy). The princess is under an evil fairy's curse, however, and must never see the light of day. She's put into a sealed carriage and sent off to the prince's kingdom to meet her finance -- but through the evil fairy's machinations, light enters the carriage and the princess turns into a white deer, running off into the woods. The evil fairy puts her own nasty daughter in the princess's place, her face covered with a veil, and sends her off to marry the prince. The ruse is discovered before the wedding, however, and the false bride is rejected. The miserable prince, longing for his true finance, goes off to hunt in the woods and wounds the white deer. The spell is eventually broken and all ends happily.

Unregistered User
(4/4/05 1:36 am)
There is an element to that in "Deerskin" by Robin Mckinnley?

Also speaking of the White Deer, the Thurber fairy tale the "White Deer" is my favorite fairy tale of all time,


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