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Unregistered User
(3/23/05 11:04 pm)
Pheasant stories
Recently, I have been visited daily by a beautiful pheasant hen, which left me wondering if there are any folklore out there about pheasants. I am unaware of any pheasant stories, but I know there are peacock and chicken stories. I really would like a pheasant one though. Thanks.


Erica Carlson
Registered User
(3/24/05 12:27 am)
Re: Pheasant stories
I'm drawing a blank so far as folktales are concerned. I'll look around a bit. Being a country girl, I can tell you that they are generally known as being, well, none too bright. The type of pheasant that was common around where I grew up (ringneck) was introduced from Asia (I know, "Asia" is a bit vague, isn't it?), so non-Western story collections might be a good source. And, though it's not particularly complimentary to pheasants, I did immediately remember how much I loved Roald Dahl's Danny, the Champion of the World when I read your post.


Edited by: Erica Carlson at: 3/24/05 12:37 am
Black Sheep
Registered User
(3/24/05 8:05 am)
Re: Pheasant stories
Pheasants weren't imported into Britain from Asia until the 16th century so I don't think there's much traditional folklore here Jess but there is:

The Pheasant Plucker's Song

I'm not the pheasant plucker,
I'm the pheasant plucker's mate
And I'm only plucking pheasants
'Cos the pheasant plucker's late

(Repeat swiftly to hear joke)

There's a Japanese folktale:

And pheasants appear as symbolic animals on Chinese pottery:
"Ill-omen, believed to turn into an oyster or snake in the first winter month. Connected to seduction and extramarital affairs. The South Gate of the Palace was known as the Pheasant Gate. A golden pheasant with long tail feathers was the symbol of an official in civil service."

The golden pheasants also supposedly inspired the traditional costume of Miao women according to this excellent site which Google offered:

"Danny Champion of the World" was the only Dahl book which I loved as a kid Erica. It reminded me of my family in ways which I'd better not mention!

Unregistered User
(3/25/05 9:43 am)

This pheasant seems to fit your sterotype - not intelligent, but smart enough to know she isn't threatened by us, and she can survive the coyotes, bobcats, bears, eagles and other wildlife haunting our backyard.

Thanks for the links, even if I don't like the omens.


Black Sheep
Registered User
(4/3/05 7:29 am)
Re: Thanks
I don't see the omens as problematic Jess... unless you're romantically involved with a time-travelling member of the Chinese Imperial Civil Service and you're worried that s/he might cheating on you?

And when you find that oyster shell on your doorstep next winter at least you'll know what's going on...

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