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Author Comment
Marly Youmans
Registered User
(3/29/05 7:07 pm)
Ingledove & sundry
Current and upcoming:

"Ingledove" (Farrar, Straus & Giroux,
forthcoming pub date: May 7, 2005)

With a comment from Diana Wynne Jones:

INGLEDOVE is a marvelous book. I loved it and thought it was even better than Marly Youmans's first book about the magic land of Adantis, The Curse of the Raven Mocker, where the inhabitants and their magic are half Cherokee, half Border Celtic. I loved the way the Hidden Land materializes around you as you read as naturally as breathing. And the magic seems to arise almost as naturally--though it can be as sudden and cruel as a snakebite--and all of it is always breathtakingly wonderful. Then, instead of leaving you simply gasping at her marvels, Marly Youmans has the courage and the good sense to point out that experiences of this order cause people to change. I really admired this book.

There's a dramatic deep cobalt jacket showing Ingledove and her brother crossing the drowned lands ( It's by Renato Alarcao.

& the sundry part:

"The Nesting Doll" (sestina)
at McSweeney's Internet Tendency,;
"An Incident at Agate Beach" (novella)
in Argosy 3 (arriving any day);

"The Gate House" (novella)
forthcoming in Argosy 4;

"A Map of the Forest" (story)
forthcoming in Blue Moon Cafe IV
from MacAdam/Cage;

"The Girl in the Fabrilon" (story)
forthcoming in SCIFICTION;

"Nihongan Altar" (poem)
in the current issue of Books & Culture;
also reprinted at on my "Contemporary Poets" page;

"Tears of a Boy, Age 6" (poem)
also in the current Books & Culture.

Marly Youmans
Registered User
(3/29/05 7:12 pm)
OOPS - It's not in Upcoming Publications Part 5!

O feckless me...

Terri Windling
Registered User
(4/1/05 10:54 am)
Re: OOPS - It's not in Upcoming Publications Part 5!
I look forward to reading it, Marly! I really enjoyed The Curse of the Raven Mocker.

Marly Youmans
Registered User
(4/2/05 12:22 pm)
Marly's Possibly Foolish Thanks

I hope that wasn't really an April Fool's message...

I'm very glad that you liked the Mocker. My daughter--a fantasy maniac and merciless judge of books--likes Ingledove even better.



A new review, well outside the "review window" but all the more welcome for that:

The Curse of the Raven Mocker by Marly Youmans: A fantasy for children that provides all the disconcerting resonances of true myth.

from The Alien Online / by Juliet E McKenna

Some other reviews here:

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