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Unregistered User
(4/7/05 6:04 pm)
Fairy Tale Publishing Opportunities
I've just finished my creative writing thesis (through Concordia University's cw MA program) and am interested in trying to get a few of the stories from my thesis published. Can anyone offer any directions/advice to this end -- where I might begin, even. Publishing hasn't been my main concern for the past four years or so, since I've just been focusing on my research and developing a fairly wide research base, but as I am pretty proud of the finished product, I wouldn't mind getting my name out there.
Thanks, in advance!

Registered User
(4/7/05 6:19 pm)
Re: Fairy Tale Publishing Opportunities
If you are looking for information regarding publication in children's markets in North America, you might start by looking at the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustators (SCBWI) site: A great deal of the site is available to everyone whether or not they are members and have some excellent information on publication. Another useful site is Harold Underdown's Purple Crayon site: If you look around The Purple Crayon, you should find a list of resources both in print and on the net.


Registered User
(4/8/05 8:08 am)
Re: Fairy Tale Publishing Opportunities
You might try looking into literary magazines. Many are published by universities and handle essays.

Registered User
(4/10/05 7:00 pm)
Re: Fairy Tale Publishing Opportunities
Congratulations on finishing your MFA! If you're looking for genre publications, you might have a look at the listings at

Elizabeth Genco
Registered User
(4/11/05 8:00 pm)

Re: Fairy Tale Publishing Opportunities
This actually makes me think of a question that floats into my mind from time to time, and then I forget it again.

I've heard varying things about the market for fairy/folk tale retellings, both for children and adults. I've heard that they sell well (and certainly the dozens of picture books available would bear this out) on the one hand, then on the other hand, I've also heard that the market is more or less saturated and they're much harder to sell now (and that it is imperative that the author take care in the selection/adaptation/crediting of source material).

I suppose that's not an easy issue to address, but, any thoughts?

What's that fiddle player in the subway thinking about?

Unregistered User
(4/17/05 11:01 pm)
personal opinion
Thanks everyone for your suggestions, which I will certainly check into. As for market saturation, since beginning my thesis, it has become clear to me just how much literature out there, not specifically listed as fairy-tale or fairy-tale/fantasy-inspired, has fairy-tale underpinnings. I think there is a return to this magical and primitive story type because society, in some sense, is hungry for it again, to restablish faith and understand darkness. And, like my stories, many aren't so closely related to fairy-tales that they can't be viable in a variety of genres/markets.
Thanks for the congrats as well! Phew, feels good to be done.

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