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Registered User
(4/19/05 7:45 pm)
Evil Peddler
Thanks for all the comments regarding my question about the Child Warrior. Hopefully I haven’t given my actor so much reading that he stops his regular school homework!

At any rate, here’s another question (since I really only know five or six dozen Grimm’s tales… and that’s not enough of a base for any of this): The director cast a new actor as “The Evil Peddler”. I know of magical/helper peddlers, and your standard crazy old guy that teaches a lesson while walking through the woods (Jack and the Beanstalk, and the Russian tale The Falcon) but I don’t know of any downright “evil” peddlers in the sense that my director is looking for.

I suppose I could point to The Jew in the Thornbush, but the actual ‘peddler’ in that case was the gnome/elf who gave the servant exactly what he requested. The ‘evil Jew’ didn’t do anything except be in the wrong part of the road at the wrong time. So really, the story doesn’t help much.

I also considered the fairy/poor woman in Diamonds and Toads, but (again) she’s not evil. She deals out gifts as the recipient warrants them.

Where on earth did my director get the idea that there is an “Evil Peddler” lurking on the side of the road (to dole out merchandise that doesn’t do exactly as the hero plans)?

Thanks again,
Julie D.

Registered User
(4/19/05 7:59 pm)
Re: Evil Peddler
Off the top of my head, there's a version of the "Donkeyskin" branch of "Cinderella" tales that feature an evil peddlar seeking the hand of the heroine, and from whom she must flee ("Mossycoat," maybe?). However, that version appears to be an attempt at bowdlerization, as in almost the other versions, the girl is fleeing her *father*.

Veronica Schanoes
Registered User
(4/20/05 12:37 am)
Re: Evil Peddler
Hmm. In Aladdin, doesn't the bad guy disguise himself as a peddler in order to get the magic lamp (new lamps for old)? Also, Snow White's stepmom disguises herself as a peddler, selling combs or ribbons or apples or whathaveyou.

Registered User
(4/20/05 11:15 am)
Re: Evil Peddler
*smacks hand against forehead*
Of course, Snow White. I knew there had to be a mainstream reference somewhere... I don't think my director has done any of the cross-cultural fairy tale research (heaven knows she's got other elements to deal with).

Thanks again for the suggestions! I'll go back to reading now.

Edited by: juliedaigle at: 4/20/05 11:22 am
A Jessica
Registered User
(4/20/05 1:29 pm)
Re: Evil Peddler
You might also do a bit of digging through some of the folktales in which the Devil appears, although off of the top of my head I can't think of any stories he played the part of a peddler. If anyone was to show up as an evil peddler, however --


sagana thas me
Registered User
(4/21/05 10:56 am)
Re: Evil Peddler
Not a fairy tale, but a folk song "The False Knight Upon the Road" seems to have a theme like the one you want. A small boy and a peddler (the false knight - sometimes also the devil) met on the road and engage in a riddle contest. The False Knight is included in Child's in a couple of versions and I believe the peddler/met on the road devil and the riddle contest shows up in some of the earlier Arthurian tales (Chretien's Knight of the Cart maybe?) I think there are several other references to a peddler and a devil connection (something like the devil went down to Georgia?). In the Farmer's Wife as I know it, the devil appears in a field and takes the farmer's wife. When he is carrying here he is described as "like a peddler a-totin' his pack". I think there are some other similar ones but they're just not coming fully to mind right now

Registered User
(4/21/05 10:22 pm)
Re: Evil Peddler
Charles Vess' "Book of Ballads", has a very nice illustrated version of "The False Knight Upon the Road".

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