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Author Comment
Gunnlods Cup
Registered User
(4/17/05 7:38 pm)
I'd just like to apologise for not writing sooner to thank those who helped me with info on Snow White and Rose Red. I did get the messages and appreciated the insight.

I hadn't meant to leave it so long before responding. I can only plead approaching deadline dementia.

While I ended up using a different idea for my project, the Snow White and Rose Red project has been put into my notebook to be done at a later date.

Hopefully, now that school is out for the summer I'll be able to contribute here a bit more.

By the way, you'll be pleased to know this website seems to be well-known among the instructors in my department and much to my amusement, a couple weeks ago, one of our handouts came around with the SurLaLune site as reference. (we were working on a deconstructed t-shirt baased on the Six Swans fairytale).

Thank you again for the help.


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