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Registered User
(9/29/04 3:18 pm)
Anyone have web sites about Cinderella?
I'm doing a project for school on Cinderella.

I still haven't developed my thesis yet but the essay has to do with what ideals Cinderella is conveying to children and what children learn from that fairy tale.

Does anyone have any useful web sites? Does anyone have an analysis on the tale?


Helen J Pilinovsky
Registered User
(9/29/04 7:52 pm)
Re: Anyone have web sites about Cinderella?
Well, this is one site that I've found to be very helpful:

Many of the references suggested are tremendously valuable. Good luck!


Heather KT
Registered User
(9/29/04 9:52 pm)
Re: Anyone have web sites about Cinderella?
There's also The Cinderella Project at the University of Southern Mississippi:

And there will be discussions in the archive boards here, too!
Good luck with your project.


Terri Windling
Registered User
(9/30/04 12:26 am)
Re: Anyone have web sites about Cinderella?
An there's info on Cinderella on the Endicott Studio site:

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