midori snyder
Registered User
(10/7/04 4:36 pm)
Ninjai: The Little Ninja
Hmmm..ok it's stretching a bit, but this online animated flash series of the adventures of Ninjai, the precocious child ninja is just too fabulous. It has demons, amazing feats, helper animals, a mythic journey of self discovery and well...yes...japanese splatter and gore in the sword fights. The collaborative brain child of the Ninja Gang--a group of porfessional stuntmen and women, this series is captivating. My only problem now is having to wait for the new epidsodes to come out...Check it out at Ninjai: The Little Ninja
Which reminds me--I have been working on collecting offerings for
mythic and fairy tale related web graphics and flash animation and
posting my findings on the Endicott Bulletin board at
If anybody has any others they'd like to add to the list I would
be really grateful! (or stop by and have a look...)
Unregistered User
(10/8/04 12:48 pm)
There was a link to a webcomic of Sleeping Beauty posted on this board a while ago, but I couldn't find it in a quick search of the archives. The site was called Zero Sleep Beauty, and it was an odd inversion of the tale with Sleeping Beauty as a prince held captive by his demented witch mother. There was also a wolf-man sent by the prince's sister to try and save him. I haven't got back to the site for several months, so I'm woefully behind on recent plot developments, but it was interesting.
Also, Duirwaigh Gallery has a little animated movie called "A Knock at the Duir" at It doesn't exactly have a plot--it's more of an inspirational piece--but it's very attractive. It could certainly be called "mythic."
Hope this is helpful.
midori snyder
Registered User
(10/9/04 8:02 pm)
Re: suggestions
Thanks for these! I will try and track down the Sleeping Beauty
piece...there is a Dutch online adventure game based on Sleeping
Beauty that is really interesting...I wonder if this is what you
mean? I do have it marked on the Endicott discussion's
called "Tell of Tales" at
Oh and thanks for reminding me about the Durwaigh piece--it's gorgeous! I also saw they are working on a new film called "Kindred."
Unregistered User
(10/11/04 12:30 pm)
Re: Suggestions
You're more than welcome! I've been introduced to so much beautiful fantasy art through this discussion board, I'm just happy to give a little back!
As for the Sleeping Beauty piece, I'm pretty positive it was a comic, not a game, though it did have a place for fans to post "artings" and "writings." I was under the impression it was American. The speech balloons, etc. were in English, so that at least narrows it down some. I think the person who posted the link earlier (it wasn't me, by the way) mentioned the artist was a single mother who worked full time and went to school full time. I think the artist's name was Becca something. I don't know that this is much help, but it's all I can remember.
Unregistered User
(10/11/04 12:46 pm)
I looked through the archives again and found it! I don't know how
to link to the archives, but Yukihada posted a thread called "Webcomics
and fairytales" on 11/9/03 that includes links to three different
sites. The one to Zero Sleep Beauty is out-of-date. The website
is now at
the artist is Becca Ming. I haven't got on any of the other sites, so I don't know how up-to-date those links are, but even Zero Sleep just has a link to the present-day site. Happy hunting!