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Registered User
(11/14/04 8:23 pm)
William Morris and the Art of Design
There is currently a beautiful exhibit at the Yale Center for British Art in New Haven, Connecticut about the work of William Morris and his collaborators. Perhaps most relevant to this board are numerous examples of works for Kelmscott Press which was influential in book design, especially in the illustration and design of fairy tales and romances (such as the King Arthur legend and the Canterbury Tales). The exhibit runs till January 2nd when it will move to the West Coast (I'm not sure where, however). The following gives further information:

Registered User
(11/15/04 4:00 am)
Re: William Morris and the Art of Design
If you hear where on the West Coast it is going to end up (or where to look up that information) please post!



Heather KT
Registered User
(11/17/04 11:48 am)
Re: William Morris and the Art of Design
According to Yale curator Elisabeth Fairmen,

"The last venue is at the Block Museum at Northwestern University in Chicago. I believe it opens there January 21. After it closes there, the objects will go back to the Huntington."

Information on Morris at Block (Jan 21-March 13, 2005):


Information from the Huntington's web site (where most of the exhibit items are in the permanent collection):


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