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Helen J Pilinovsky
Registered User
(11/30/04 9:52 am)
'Tis better to be a beast ...
A quick request for help: I remember a poem which would be incredibly apt for my class, but by "remember," I mean that I remember everything but the title, poet's name, or where to find it. It's a lovely subversive piece discussing a card game between all of the fairy tale spouses, detailing the idea that it's better to be the beloved then the lover, and the one line that sticks in my memory more or less word for word is "the beautiful lesbian lover of the Bearded Yellow Dwarf never bluffs." Help?

Helen J Pilinovsky
Registered User
(11/30/04 10:10 am)
Re: 'Tis better to be a beast ...
A caveat: it's "Mrs. Beast," by Carol Anne Duffy. Now I just need to figure out which collection of mine it resides in ...

Heidi Anne Heiner
(11/30/04 11:53 am)
Re: 'Tis better to be a beast ...

It's listed on SurLaLune as being in:

Duffy, Carol Ann. "Mrs. Beast." The World's Wife. New York: Faber and Faber, 1999.


Edited by: Heidi Anne Heiner at: 11/30/04 11:55 am
Helen J Pilinovsky
Registered User
(11/30/04 12:23 pm)
Re: 'Tis better to be a beast ...
Thanks, Heidi! From there, I tracked it down to the 12th Years Best Fantasy and Horror (I *knew* it was around here somewhere!), so I'll be able to use it in my class today. Where would we be without SurLaLune?

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