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Registered User
(11/4/04 8:15 pm)
Need some help with Beauty & The Beast..
Hello, I actually wandered onto this site while trying to do some research on Beauty and the Beast. I have to do a paper for school and need some help developing some ideas..the paper is primarily on Cocteau's french version of the fairy tale but it is important that I also incorporate other versions of the story..

Now here are some of the topics that I can do:
Evolution of the beast
Shadow (Jungian) image of the "beast" in society/film/literature
Message in "Cupid and Psyche" myth relational to de Beaumont, Cocteau, and Disey
Beauty relative to Plato's philosopher in the cave
Reward and punishment in the story
Archetypal topics in the story, good and evil

Now..I need to write a 5 page paper and be able to have several references but I'm having a difficult time finding information. It seems everytime I search I find something about the Disney movie. Which topic would you recommend and do you guys have any pointers for the topics?


Erica Carlson
Registered User
(11/4/04 8:48 pm)
Re: Need some help with Beauty & The Beast..
There have been some fairly recent conversations about Beauty and the Beast here, and it might be useful to you to search the archives of this site. Also, check out the annotated tale of Beauty and the Beast and the bibliography for the tale on this site.

You mentioned that you're mainly getting references to Disney when you search. Would you mind saying where/what you've been searching so far? I'm thinking you might have better luck weeding out the Disney if you searched a library catalog or article database (rather than google, I mean) if you're after scholarly sorts of sources.

Betsy Hearne's book Beauty and the Beast: Visions and Revisions of an Old Tale has a section on the Cocteau film and she discusses earlier and later versions of the tale as well.

As far as which topic to choose, I'm going to be really annoying and suggest that you figure out which one of them is most interesting to you and write about that one.

Best of luck to you,

Laura McCaffrey
Registered User
(11/5/04 9:12 am)
Re: Need some help with Beauty & The Beast..
Terri Windling's B&B article, which specifically critiques Disney and compares to other versions of the tale:

On the conte de fee, including B&B:

On animal bridegrooms:

Also, have you read Hearne's book on Beauty and the Beast? BEAUTIES AND BEASTS by Betsy Hearne.

Good luck.

Registered User
(11/5/04 11:17 am)
Thanks a lot..I'm definitly gonna check that stuff out

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