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aka Greensleeves
Registered User
(10/29/04 1:21 pm)
Looking for ghost stories...
I'm looking for a collection of traditional English ghost stories (not "true accounts" of "real" hauntings)--something along the lines of Yeats's IRISH FAIRY AND FOLKTALES. I'm interested in the behavior and traits of English ghosts (haunts, spectres, etc) in traditional stories, as well as looking for a hearty dose of good storytelling. Mainly want English, will take all of Britain if necessary.

Any recommendations?


(edited to say....)

I suppose I should add that I'm not looking for ghost fiction (LeFanu, Lovecraft, Poe, Irving), but more ghost folklore, if there even is such a thing. There must be, right?

Edited by: aka Greensleeves at: 10/29/04 1:40 pm
Registered User
(10/29/04 1:53 pm)
Re: Looking for ghost stories...
Scottish ghosts...?

Well, here's one to make you shiver!!!!The Strange Tale of the Figure by the Loch

aka Greensleeves
Registered User
(10/29/04 3:39 pm)
Re: Looking for ghost stories...
Ok, totally creeped out now. :lol Not so much by "The Loch," but "Sylvia Rose and Sylvia May" made my blood run cold... (we need a shivery icon). If I weren't in the middle of work, I'd read every story on your site. I'll have to curl up with the laptop and a candle later tonight.... Perfect site for Hallowe'en, Alison, thanks!

aka Greensleeves
Registered User
(11/2/04 12:39 pm)
Re: Looking for ghost stories...
Well, I have picked up a copy of Christina Hole's HAUNTED ENGLAND, as well as a book called GHOSTS AND LEGENDS OF THE WILTSHIRE COUNTRYSIDE by Kathleen Wiltshire. Well, by "picked up," I mean "ordered from diverse booksellers via the Internet." :lol They should be here by the time I return from my conference....

Edited by: aka Greensleeves at: 11/4/04 11:46 pm
Registered User
(11/4/04 11:29 pm)
Re: Looking for ghost stories...
If it's traditionally English ghost tales you're after, the man to seek is the incomparable M. R. James. His stories are tucked away in lots of older anthologies, as well as several collections of just his work. He had a fine hand for the subtle creep in a written tale. Shirley Jackson's work reminds me a teensy bit of his.

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