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Unregistered User
(9/30/04 11:03 am)
fairytale workshops, mythic journeys, an a question

In June I attended Mythic Journeys, and both of the fairytale workshops. For those of you who did too, you probably remember this absolutely amazing song that lead into the second workshop. I don't remember the name of the lady who sang, although I believe accompaniement was played by Mary Crowell. All of that to say -- is there any news on this song? I loved it and really want to hear it again.


Unregistered User
(9/30/04 11:12 am)
Darnit. The "d" key keeps sticking. Imagine that as "and a question."

midori snyder
Registered User
(9/30/04 3:28 pm)

Was that the very funny, bluesy sort of number about all the leading ladies of folktales? It was hilarious!! And brilliantly done. I'll see if I can find out from the organizers of the conference and report back anything I learn...

A Jessica
Registered User
(10/2/04 11:17 am)
Re: song
Yes, that's the one! It was just so incredible! Thanks for looking into it, Midori. I really appreciate it.


P.S. Kept getting errors when I tried to post without an account, so I bit the bullet and "a Jessica" I am.

Edited by: A Jessica at: 10/2/04 11:18 am
Registered User
(10/2/04 8:48 pm)
I <i>spoke</i> to her and asked her name and whether or not the song would be recorded soon, but do I have any of this information still? No! Oh, I'm a fool. I'm going to look around some more and see if I got her card...

Unregistered User
(10/8/04 10:08 am)
Po Boys
Terri told me there was some discussion about the song, so (ta dah!) here is the info on that wonderful song...

Po Boys was performed by singer/songwriter Marty Coady Fabish. It's been nominated for a Pegasus Award this year. That means you can hear an mp3 at:

and you can read the lyrics at:

midori snyder
Registered User
(10/8/04 12:26 pm)

Re: Po Boys
Hey Brenda --thanks so much for this!

Terri Windling
Registered User
(10/9/04 1:17 am)
Re: Po boys
And welcome to the Surlalune board!

M C Fabish
Registered User
(11/1/04 11:47 pm)
Re: song
Thanks for the very kind words! As Brenda wrote, the song is called "Po 'Boys", and Mary and I had a blast performing it for you at Mythic Journeys. It hasn't been recorded yet, but I am currently in the process of pulling together material for my first CD, and this song will absolutely be included.

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