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Registered User
(11/17/04 4:57 am)
Disney in Am. pop culture?
What part do you believe Disney plays in American pop culture today?

Registered User
(11/17/04 9:14 am)
Re: Disney in Am. pop culture?
Do you mean the influence of the Disney corporation and it's enormous marketing force in multiple venues today, or do you mean how past products influence culture today? (Or something else...)


Registered User
(11/17/04 9:17 am)
sorry, I mean the company as such and its effect on pop culture in general - so your first suggestion :D

Registered User
(11/20/04 8:51 am)
Re: coorporation
Um.. Sorry. It did sound like I might have something to say. But the subject is huge. What do you think? Maybe you could start the discussion by giving your perspective.

Terri Windling
Registered User
(11/20/04 11:46 am)
Re: coorporation
Is this a homework question? We seem to be getting a lot of Disney questions lately.

Registered User
(11/20/04 11:50 pm)
Disneyfied in America
What a whopper of a subject arena... Since you didn't state that you were looking for anything in particular, I'll leap in with my (oh so humble) opinion. Disney Corporation, to me, is the ultimate monolithic corporate giant and all that entails. The worst crime the company commits is homogenazation. (sp?) Anyway, the value America seems to place on sameness disturbs me. Disney certainly isn't the only offender, but they seem the worst to me because their primary target is children. The gross stereotyping of their films, the grotesquely sacharrine cuteness of their shops, the marketing of the parks, a cruise line, an island , and, creepiest of all, a town- all Disney approved. It gives me the willies to think that a company founded by a hypocrite has such a hold on American culture. Walt smoked, drank heavily, and had a thick mustache; today, employees of the parks aren't supposed to smoke, drink, or wear facial hair. Did you know that employees who wear the costumes in the park just won a lawsuit so they could wear their own underwear? Disney apparently didn't allow that and they had to sue. To wear their own underwear! It also gives me the willies how Disney distorts great fiction and real history. And so many people don't even realize the stories and the history are distorted. Maybe it's the image that bothers me... a huge international company with corporate fingers in too many pies- all under the guise of American wholesomeness. All the while insidiously plotting to reduce individuality in America to a treatable mental ailment. Boy, reading over this post makes me realize I sound incredibly paranoid...but Disney (along with the Gap and Benneton and the Limited and every other store you can only find in a mall) makes me sad for a time when we seemed to value our individuality more than we do now. By "we" I mean Americans as a group, not specific people. I could continue rambling, but I think I'll stop for now before everybody on the site starts to wonder about me...;)

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