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Registered User
(11/12/04 7:27 pm)
Basile's Viola and a pot of basil
Hello everyone! Now I'm working on a retelling of Basile's Viola (II, 3). I've found several other folktales which include an exchange of "riddles" between the main character and the prince or nobleman who eventually falls in love with her for her quick wit--these include The Pot of Marjoram (Calvino, 21) and The Pot of Basil (Bierhorst, Latin American Folktales, 43) [the first riddle is asked of the MC by the prince: How many leaves on your clump of basil?].

I'm wondering if anyone has any information on the Basile story or knows of any other stories that might follow this pattern (exchanging a series of riddles, or more broadly valuing a woman for her wit). If anyone has Nancy Canepa's book about Basile (which I don't have access to at the moment, but am contemplating buying) and could check the index for Viola, I would also much appreciate it!

All the best, Anamaria.

Heidi Anne Heiner
(11/12/04 8:39 pm)
Re: Basile's Viola and a pot of basil
How about AT tale type 875, The Peasant's Wise Daughter?

Registered User
(11/13/04 9:22 pm)
Re: Basile's Viola and a pot of basil
Thanks, Heidi, that is a good example of wit! I would have replied sooner but have been trying to remember where I read that particular story recently (there may have been a Latin American version in Bierhorst's collection).

I'm still hoping to find out more about Viola and the "pot of basil" stories (see above).

Thanks again!

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