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(3/5/04 8:45 am)
Re: sorry
Rats--I am making a lightning trip to NYC on March 14-15th. So I will miss the show. Darn.

However, there is a show of women fantasy artists at the Norman Rockwell Museum in Stockbridge, Mass., opening this weekend (which I will miss as I will be speaking in Ohio) and on for about a month. And a William Steig exhibit at the Eric Carle Museum in Amherst, Mass. A dedicated visitor to these parts could hit both in a long day. Amherst and Stockbridge are about 1 1/2 hours apart.


(3/9/04 3:33 am)
I just wanted to say thanks for all the good recommendations. I have learned alot from this web site.I have started reading some of those books recommended.
Connie, unfortunately I don`t have any of my work on the web. I make work using model sets , which I then photograph. The photograph being the finished piece. I started off making models based on stories of feral children, but recently I have been making work based on fairy tales. At the moment I am making work based on fowlers fowl, where I am constructing a series of sets to photograph.
Sorry for thinking that people might not of heard of philip pullman outside of the Uk, how naive to think that such a good book would not be an international best seller.oops

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