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Registered User
(3/29/04 4:49 am)
can anyone tell me more about the significance of the healing power of tears, e.g Rapunzel, Grimm: "two of her tears dropped on his eyes, and ... he could see again". The Girl who trod on a Loaf, Andersen: "at last it melted into tears in a way Inger had never done ... as she acknowledged this, a ray of light shone into the gulf of destruction".
I was just wondering about the origins of tears being used in this way, does it have religious origins?
Any help much appreciated.
Thank you!

Registered User
(3/31/04 5:20 am)
Re: tears
Pheonix tears are I think traditionally endowed with healing properties, and many forms of animal tears are used as spell components in various stories but I'm afraid I don't know much more. In some tales I think it's the fact that a particular character learns the value of love or friendship through a tradgedy which allows their tears (a sign that they've learned said lesson) to heal. Not sure about this in Rapunzel but it seems to be the case in some other stories I've read.

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