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Registered User
(3/20/04 11:53 am)
Reinventing fairy tales in poetry - Help!!
I have just started writing my undergraduate dissertation (to be about 8000 words) on 20th century poetry that updates or reinvents Grimm's Cinderella and Snow White. In doing this I've looked at Sexton's "Transformations" and a collection "The Poet's Grimm". I've also looked at theories and commentry on the original Grimm tales, for example Warner's "From the Beast to the..." and various texts by Zipes.
However, I'm looking for some information commenting on the re-telling of fairy tales specifically though poetry and also some suggestions about actual poetry texts that may comment on this device.

Any suggestions welcomed!!!

Helen J Pilinovsky
Registered User
(3/20/04 11:59 am)
Re: Reinventing fairy tales in poetry - Help!!
Have you tried looking in the Coffeehouse section at the Endicott Studio? It's one of the largest collections of fairy tale poetry, on-line or off, that I'm aware of. You can find it here:

You might also want to look at the work of Olga Broumas, and to look through Terri Windling and Ellen Datlow's fairy tale collections: they include a fair number of poems by luminaries of the field such as Jane Yolen, Delia Sherman, and Neil Gaiman. Good luck!


Heidi Anne Heiner
(3/20/04 2:33 pm)
Re: Reinventing fairy tales in poetry - Help!!
Cinderella-themed poetry is listed on SurLaLune at:


And Snow White is here:


I have listed everything I have been able to find.

Good luck!


Terri Windling
Registered User
(3/24/04 7:59 pm)
Re: Reinventing fairy tales in poetry - Help!!
And here's an article on fairy tale poetry...a little dated now, but it might contain useful info.

And on-line articles on Snow White ( and Cinderella (

The Poets Grimm is indeed a good poetry collection. Another good one, a bit harder to find, is: Disenchantments: An Anthology of Modern Fairy Tale Poetry edited by Wolfgang Mieder.

Let us know how your thesis goes. It sounds like a fascinating topic.

Edited by: Terri Windling at: 3/24/04 8:01 pm
Registered User
(3/28/04 3:00 pm)
Thanks very much for all your suggestions - they have proved to be very useful.
The difficulty is I feel a little like i'm going in circles in my actual write up/analysis.
My supervisor has suggested I select several poems and arrange them thematically into title chapters. However, much of the poems I have looked at seem to communicate a sense of dissatisfaction with the position of women in society through the fairy tales. I almost feel as though there aren't enough themes to expore - ridiculous though this sounds.
Any advice?

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