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Unregistered User
(2/22/04 9:16 pm)
female faerie folk
This may sound like an odd query but here goes: I had a very vivid dream the other night in which a very short, squat woman dressed in an ankle-length green dress was walking silently through the house. Her face was knobbly and ugly and she had the look of faerie about her. It was a particularly vivid dream and out of curiosity, I decided to see if I could match her with
any of the faerie types in my folklore books. To no avail however. Some faery-folk types sounded promising e.g. dwarves, but I could only find a description of the male! Any thoughts would be much appreciated.


Registered User
(2/22/04 9:52 pm)
Re: female faerie folk
Maybe a Brownie? Faeries by Froud and Lee has the story of a Highland Brownie named Meg; so there certainly are females (and they're very home-oriented). She'd probably be dressed in tatters, though. So nice to have shivery dreams.

Edited by: gormghlaith at: 2/22/04 9:52 pm
Registered User
(2/22/04 11:15 pm)
That's a thought. Although Brownies are said to be attracted to tidy homes - I guess there's an exception to every rule!

aka Greensleeves
Registered User
(2/23/04 12:58 pm)
Re: Brownies
Check your Briggs. British folklore has several female fairy folk of that type--Black Annis and Habertrot are two that spring to mind right now.

Edited by: aka Greensleeves at: 2/23/04 12:59 pm
Registered User
(2/23/04 3:36 pm)
Thanks for that. In a misguided attempt to tidy up my bokshelves I managed to mislay my Briggs. A reminder to me that I really shouldn't attempt to tidy up...Habertrot sounds like a good candidate. I think Black Annis may have blue skin, which rules her out.

Heather KT
Registered User
(2/23/04 3:49 pm)
Re: female fairy folk
Your description also brought to mind the troll women in John Bauer's illustrations for Great Swedish Fairy Tales. Although maybe I'm thinking of the green hair (not green dress) of the witch of Hulta Wood.

Heather Tomlinson

Angel Feather
Registered User
(3/2/04 9:46 pm)
She sounds like a crone to me, keeper of wisdom. She could also be some sort of tree spirit.

Registered User
(3/10/04 9:40 pm)
Re: Crone
Kobold, or brownie; the "house" elves who will clean up the house for you at night, so long as you never thank them or offer them money.

aka Greensleeves
(3/13/04 9:20 am)
Re: Crone
--Or give them clothes! Rowling does a wonderful take on the theme of losing a house-elf's services by giving them clothing....

Stephanie in the prairie

Registered User
(3/14/04 10:54 pm)
Re: Crone
There's also a wonderful brownie in Emma Bull's novel _War for the Oaks._ I think her name is Old Meg. And yes she's old and quite naked. Grumpy too, as I recall.

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