Registered User
(1/27/04 8:43 am)
fairy tales like Diamonds and Toads
I'm a folklore student completing an undergrad and I need some help locating stories like Diamonds and Toads, I know of Jack Frost but I'm sure I've read some others, any help at all would be fabulous.
Registered User
(1/27/04 9:01 am)
Re: fairy tales like Diamonds and Toads
Okay, I'm stupid, I just found the branch off that Heidi put from her annotated copy of Diamonds and Toads, I'm a loser.
Sorry for wasting time and space
Registered User
(1/27/04 9:23 am)
Re: fairy tales like Diamonds and Toads
No one attending advanced schooling is either "stupid" or "a loser"! However...
if you continue with this kind of self-talk, you may well
convince yourself, on down the road!
My old Daddy used to say: "treat yerself with the same
respect thatcha treat others!".
Rym Rytr
Registered User
(1/27/04 10:07 am)
Re: fairy tales like Diamonds and Toads
thanks. It was totally a weird situation though, I had just posted then done a google search and I ended up looking at all these great other versions, then I saw the web address and I all I could think was "damn, I'm going to look like an idiot" Oh well, you're right though. I probably shouldn't be so mean to myself.
Registered User
(1/27/04 10:07 pm)
Russian blind man's buff with a bear
The most unusual one I know is a Russian tale about a girl who goes to live in a hut in the forest and plays blind man's buff with a bear.
It's in the Pantheon RUSSIAN FAIRYTALES as "Daughter and Stepdaughter", and there are a couple of translations on the web.
I desperately want a copy of it in Russian! Someone here said they could send one, but it never came. Hint hint....????
Mary Ezzell
POB 1209
Guerneville, CA 95446 USA
Registered User
(1/28/04 8:05 am)
Sorry, Rosemary! I've been tremendously negligent - too much stuff going on to even describe - but will get on it, ASAP. In fact, if you like, I can scan it and e-mail you the j-pegs tonight ...
Registered User
(1/28/04 1:59 pm)
any format....
Whatever's most convenient for you. Xerox, anything.