Jeff W
Unregistered User
(2/2/04 12:16 pm)
id-gold plated statue of prince, bird helps poor
I am trying to find the title of an animated story I remember seeing on HBO/Cinemax in the mid 80s. The story was about a gold statue of a prince/king erected in the middle of town. A bird nests by the statue and the two begin talking. The prince instructs the bird to peel the gold plating off of him and give the leaves to the needy/poor. While the bird is doing this, its flock migrates south, leaving the bird to freeze in the winter. Seeing all the gold peeled of the statue, the townspeople remove the statue for melting. Everything but the heart in the statue melts, and the heart is thrown into an ash pile behind the smelter. The dead bird then ends up next to the unmeltable heart. That is all I can remember. Any help would be sincerely appreciated. I want to find out what this story is/was. Thank you.
Registered User
(2/3/04 12:07 am)
Re: id-gold plated statue of prince, bird helps poor
Sounds like a variant of the tin soldier by Hans Christian Andersen. I'll have to see what I come up with.
Registered User
(2/3/04 12:37 am)
Brain cramp - The Happy Prince?
By Oscar Wilde. Sorry I just was out to lunch there for a moment.
Here is a website with the text:
Edited by: jess63 at: 2/3/04 12:39 am
Jeff W
Unregistered User
(2/3/04 10:27 am)
Happy Prince ID
That's the one. Thank you very much!