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Registered User
(6/18/04 9:57 pm)
Looking for an image of Buba Yaga'a Hut
Hi, I joined this board after I read the great discussion about Baba Yaga, and thought you would be the right group to possibly help me.

I am looking for a good picture of Baba Yaga's hut that I can use on my web site

I want to add a Labyrinth, a maze of my favorite photos and 2D artwork. I decided to make a little game of it and give a free prize to any one who could "catch" the Buba Yaga's Hut. I figured out a way to program in a way her hut could show up instead of the planned picture. Being on chicken legs, it seemed a logical choice to have move around and search for.

My art work is heavily based on fairy tales, I might even make a 3D one if I could get several good pictures. I am not very familiar with her stories, which is odd because I have read every fairy tale book I could get my hands on. I would also like some good stories about Chinese dragons, I love dragons... but again I am limited by the heavily western European stories I have read. Any book, story, or link suggestions?


Registered User
(6/20/04 9:48 pm)
Re: Looking for an image of Buba Yaga'a Hut
It's not clear whether you will create your own image after viewing other images, or whether you want to copy someone else's image to your site, which could be a violation of copyright. But a good way to find images is to go to and click on the "images" button. Then search under "Baba Yaga's hut," or just"Baba Yaga."

Registered User
(6/21/04 7:11 pm)
Re: Looking for an image of Buba Yaga'a Hut
If I found one I liked that the owner would let me use, I would just use it as is in the maze.

If I found several good pictures, I would use the ideas in them to create a sculpture. I need a lot more information to do something in 3 dimensions. I am not familiar enough with the culture the stories originate from to "see" the hut from reading the stories.

Thanks for the suggestion, but the reason I came to these boards was because I wasn't satisfied with my search results.


Registered User
(6/22/04 6:55 am)
Chinese dragons
I'm not sure what kind of dragon stories you are looking for, but here's one anyway. Hope you enjoy it!

The Strange Tale of the Lotus and the Dragon

Edited by: AlisonPegg at: 6/22/04 6:56 am
Registered User
(6/22/04 9:49 pm)
Re: Looking for an image of Buba Yaga'a Hut
Here's another suggestion, then. You might try looking for images of Russian peasant huts. Once you've got an idea of the kinds of structures there were/are, you could add chicken feet to them.

Registered User
(6/23/04 8:25 pm)
Re: Chinese dragons
That is a GREAT story. I will return to your site many times and read the rest of the stories.
Thank you so much for the link.


Registered User
(6/23/04 8:27 pm)
Re: Looking for an image of Buba Yaga'a Hut
That may work better.
I'll try it.


Registered User
(6/24/04 7:29 am)
Re: Looking for an image of Buba Yaga'a Hut
What I like about the chicken feet on Baba Yaga's hut is that they might well also be dragon feet, given that we often imagine dragon's feet to be similar to birds' feet. I like imagining Baba Yaga's hut as a type of dragon.

Registered User
(6/26/04 9:05 pm)
Re: Looking for an image of Buba Yaga'a Hut
Dragon feet?
What an interesting thought... could be.

How about another another odd one?

In the book, _Enchantment_ by Orson Scott Card - his Hut on Chicken Legs was an airplane! I really enjoyed the story. It appealed to me because it allowed magic to exist today, plus I liked the way each character was master of their "own turf" and so very lost in the "other" time period.

Registered User
(6/28/04 12:43 pm)
Re: Looking for an image of Buba Yaga'a Hut
Yes, I also enjoyed Scott Card's image of Baba Yaga's hut as a jetliner. Sometimes when I'm flying and don't have access to anti-nausea medication, I'll pretend that I'm riding a-dragonback. It makes it feel marginally less uncomfortable when the plane swoops.

Registered User
(7/9/04 9:19 pm)
Re: Looking for an image of Buba Yaga'a Hut
I am really not having much success finding good pictures. A friend suggested DACHA as a search and I found one good picture. That helps, but I would still like some close ups of the carved "gingerbread" and painted decorations used. I can find all sorts of Victorian, or pennsylvania dutch, but that isn't right. I remember a long time ago seeing something in maybe the National Geographic about the folk art used to decorate houses. I am just not coming up with the right words for my search, or maybe I am looking in the wrong places.


Helen J Pilinovsky
Registered User
(7/9/04 11:22 pm)
Re: Looking for an image of Buba Yaga'a Hut
Have you considered looking in print sources? I believe that Maria Tatar's _Classic Annotated Fairy Tales_ has a few lovely illustrations, as does Elizabeth Warner's _Russian Myths_,. Hope this helps!


Registered User
(7/11/04 5:29 pm)
Re: Looking for an image of Buba Yaga'a Hut
Heh. Russian and French were my joint undergrad majors. Try looking under the Cyrillic alphabet spelling of "dacha;" äà÷à Urp. That didn't come out right. Anyway, I got this search result from Google images, which let me input the word correctly:

Here's some gingerbread imagery from that search:

Another picture:
If I remember my Russian correctly (it was 21 years ago), the caption says, "all her life, she remembered the city."

Those are pretty grand. I found something more humble by searching Google images under "Russian dacha:"

This one's a doll house:

A dacha is something that relatively wealthy people live in when they're on their summer sojourn to the country. A Russian peasant house is called an "izba." Here's a search under the English version of that:

Here's a search under the same word in Cyrillic script:

Some more. The final picture gives some clue as to how one might imagine Baba Yaga's hut being on chicken feet:

Edited by: Nalo at: 7/11/04 6:06 pm
midori snyder
Registered User
(7/12/04 6:11 pm)

Anna and the Seven Swans
I knew it would take me awhile to remember this! But check out "Anna and the Seven Swans" by Maida Silverman and illustrated (wonderfully!) by David Small. The book is currently out of print, but I can bet you will find it at the public library. It has the most glorious illustration of Baba Yaga's house on Chicken legs--my children and I used to read it often--and my daughter longed for such a house.

Also in random searching I came across a bibliography for Baba Yaga stories. One or two of these might also be illustrated.

Baba Yaga

Arnold, Katya. Baba Yaga. New York: North-South Publishers, 1993.

Arnold, Katya. Baba Yaga and the Little Girl. NY, NY: North South Books, 1994.

Ayres, Becky Hickox. Matreshka. New York: Bantam Doubleday Dell, 1992.

Cohen, Barbara, reteller. Lovely Vasilisa. NY, NY: Atheneum, 1980.

Cole, Joanna. Bony-Legs. New York: Four Winds Press, 1983.

Grauer, Rita. Vasalisa and Her Magic Doll. NY, NY: Philomel Books, 1994.

Johnston, Tony. Alice Nizzy Nazzy. NY, NY: Putnam, 1995.

Kimmel, Eric. Baba Yaga: A Russian Folktale. NY, NY: Holiday House, 1990.

Lurie, Alison. The Black Geese: A Baba Yaga Story from Russia. NY, NY: DK , 1999.

Mayer, Marianna. Baba Yaga and Vasilisa the Brave. NY, NY: Morrow Books, 1994.

McCaughrean, Geraldine. Grandma Chickenlegs. Minneapolis, MN: Carolrhoda Books, 2000.

Oram, Hiawyn. Baba Yaga and the Wise Doll. NY, NY: Dutton Children's Books, 1998.

Polacco, Patricia. Babushka Baba Yaga. NY, NY: Philomel, 1993.

San Souci, Robert D. Peter and the Blue Witch Baby. New York, NY: Random House, 2000.

Silverman, Maida. Anna and the Seven Swans. NY, NY: William Morrow and Company, 1984.

Small, Ernest. Baba Yaga. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin, 1996.

Tompert, Ann. The Tzar’s Bird. NY, NY: Macmillan, 1990.

Winthrop, Elizabeth. Vasilissa the Beautiful.

Registered User
(7/14/04 6:52 am)
Re: Anna and the Seven Swans
And I did a recent Baba Yaga picture book--THE FLYING WITCH with illos by the marvelous Russian (now living in America) illustrator Vladmir Vagrin.


midori snyder
Registered User
(7/14/04 8:00 am)

Jane's Flying Witch
Ay Jane, of course!! Here is the link to Amazon--and check out the lovely house on chicken legs on the cover! (you can even get a detail of it!)

Flying Witch by Jane Yolen

And there is a lovely page of text framed by the infamous chicken legs. Just click through the page samples and you will find it.

Edited by: midori snyder at: 7/14/04 8:04 am
Registered User
(7/20/04 8:14 pm)
Re: Looking for an image of Buba Yaga'a Hut
What a wealth of wonderful pictures!
Yes, izba must be the right word, and Cyrillic certainly made all the difference between one picture and dozens.
I went through all 26 pages!
Now I think I can sit down and make something that will reflect the culture not just my imagination.

I agree, the stilts did remind me of legs. I saw another house on stilts when I searched through one of the links on the google site. That one just had 4 heavy stone-piles, one on each corner and it looked to be by a body of water, so I thought it might be designed to keep it above water in high tide, but perhaps the stilts had other uses?

I can't thank you enough. Perhaps I can repay your kindness someday.


Registered User
(7/20/04 8:22 pm)
Re: Jane's Flying Witch
Thank You Jane and Midori.
Yes, the illustrations are beautiful - I esp like the chicken legs frame also.

You have all been so helpful, I really appreciate it. I will remember the language tip when I do research in the future - English is NOT the only language spoken on the internet.


Registered User
(7/24/04 2:18 pm)
Re: Jane's Flying Witch
Our pleasure, I'm sure. It's so satisfying to hit on something that's actually helpful.

Unregistered User
(7/25/04 9:59 am)
Howl's Moving Castle
Not really Baba Yaga, but nice enough.
I never imagined the castle with legs, but I must say that I love this one!

A movieposter: The leggy castle is on the hilltop behind Sophie:

To download the movie trailer and see the castle walk, go here:

Unregistered User
(7/29/04 5:37 pm)
Ivan Bilibin
Ivan Bilibin (illustrator) painted Baba Yaga's hut in Vasilisa the Beautiful. Not very clear, but it's there.

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