Unregistered User
(3/25/04 5:46 pm)
need help with a research paper on fairy tales and disney
My paper is about how disney corrupts the classic fairy tales. My main focus is on Cinderella, but any would be helpful. Can anyone think of a particular book or article that would be beneficial? Thank you.
Registered User
(3/25/04 7:10 pm)
Re: need help with a research paper on fairy tales and disne
My article "America's Cinderella" in Dundes CINDERELLA CASEBOOK.
There is Schickle's book on Disney (THE DISNEY VERSION????)
Jane Yolen
Unregistered User
(4/9/04 11:42 am)
Thanks for your help. I actually already had that book. Does anyone know of any others. I need to write a ten pager and I dont have enough info... please help!
Unregistered User
(4/9/04 6:27 pm)
I believe that Jack Zipes has a large section on Disney and corruption of tales in his book "Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales, Children and the Cultural Industry". I don't have a copy of it here, but I recall reading at least one chapter touching on this topic.
Registered User
(4/9/04 11:05 pm)
Re: Zipes
Zipes is good. Here's another reference to his work:
Zipes, Jack. “Breaking the Disney Spell.” Fairy Tale as Myth:
Myth as Fairy Tale. Univ. Press of Kentucky, 1994.
I did a brief search and came up with a few hits. Some you may already
have and some are not precisely current (I'm not sure what
limitations you have on the kinds of sources you use for the paper).
But it might be a place to start.
Here's a book that sounded up your alley:
Elizabeth Bell, Lynda Hass, and Laura Sells, editors. From Mouse
to Mermaid: The Politics of Film, Gender, and Culture. Indiana
Univ. Press, 1995.
Here are a few articles that looked interesting (I haven't
really read through them, so can't vouch for them personally):
June Cummins. "Romancing the Plot: The Real beast of Disney's
Beauty and the Beast.” Children's Literature Association Quarterly.
(Spring 1995): 22-28.
Pamela Colby O'Brien. "The happiest films on earth: a textual
and contextual analysis of Walt Disney's 'Cinderella' and 'The Little
Mermaid." Women's Studies in Communication, vol. 19.2
(Summer 1996): 155-
Panttaja, Elizabeth. "Going up in the world: class in "Cinderella."
(Perspectives on the Innocent Persecuted Heroine in Fairy Tales)."
Western Folklore. vol. 52.1 (Jan 1993): 85-
Edited by: Erica Carlson at: 4/9/04 11:05 pm