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Registered User
(2/20/03 8:17:54 pm)
women and fairy tales
I am interested to see if anyone can answer my question "why were many fairy tales written by women?".
Please feel free to reply with any of your ideas. :D

Jane Yolen
Unregistered User
(2/22/03 5:35:23 am)
Don't agree
Do you mean written...or written down?

The women have done it mostly anonymously. But then there have been Mdme D'Aulanoy, Mdme LePrince de Beaumont, Angela Carter, etc.

But as for males, what about the Grimms, Afanasev, Abjornson, Hans Christian Andersen, Charles Perrault, Aesop, etc.

I think it dangerous to make such a blanket statement. You need to narrow your field.


Registered User
(3/2/03 1:24:00 am)
Re: Don't agree
yeah well ask my dumbass teachers about that one cause they thought it up >:

Jeanne Marie Beaumont
Unregistered User
(3/2/03 9:52:53 pm)
Tales by Women?
As Jack Zipes states in his intro to the Grimm tales, the majority of tales the Grimm brothers collected were told to them by women. The tale transmission was a lively oral tradition among women, although interestingly it was chiefly male writers who first wound up collecting and editing the tales in written form. In gathering poetry for The Poets' Grimm anthology, Claudia and I found women outnumbered men in this category by 3 to 1. There are many reasons for this I think. Well, theories as to why.

Unregistered User
(3/3/03 3:01:42 am)
Ziggy: as a "dumbass" teacher myself, I am willing to bet you received more specific details about how to answer the question, even the scope of the question. For instance why ask about women writers of fairy tales--unless of course you are studying specific women writers of fairy tales? How have fairy tales been introduced into your course work? Are you in the middle of the unit? or at the end? (and hence expected to respond to something you have been studying).

Since this appears to be a "homework" question--we can best assist you if we know what exactly you have been studying in Fairy Tales, what you are expected to know and what you are expected to learn on your own. If we are to invest our time in helping you, it would be good to focus the question so out of the encyclopedic information possible on this board we can give you the most useful answers.

For instance are you in a college "children's literature" class and being asked to respond to the role of modern women writers in the children's fairy tale market? are you in a English class in high school and your teacher has started a unit on fairy tales/ mythology and she/he has already mentioned the Contes dee Fee (wouldn't that be something!) of France? Or is this an anthropolgy class looking at world cultures and making the point that women are primary story tellers in a community?

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