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Unregistered User
(6/22/03 5:01 pm)
Peter Pan 2003
Did anyone else see the trailer for the upcoming Peter Pan movie? Its set for release Christmas 2003, and it looks absolutely amazing. From the looks of the trailer, this could be the definitive version. I looked up more information about it on the internet and script reviews are nothing but positive! Not one negative thought came to my mind when I saw the trailer. The actors and actresses are obviously well chosen, it seems that the atmosphere is exactly what J.M. Barrie intended, light and dreamy, yet dark and nightmarish when needed. Absolutely stunning visual effects! The fight scenes(from what I saw on the trailer) are easily much better than The Matrix and similar movies. I was just blown away! Everything from Captain Hook's dark and eerie submerged castle to when Wendy grows up is included, so needless to say this movie will be a must-see for die-hard Pan fans! What do all of you think? :D

Registered User
(6/23/03 1:37 pm)

Re: Peter Pan 2003

I've known about this movie for two years!! I even AUDITIONED for it!!!! Oh my gosh, I just cannot WAIT for this movie to come out! I've seen the trailer, everything. Check out for more information! I'm part of that site -- I play John Darling. I used to play Tootles and the message boards use to be on EZBoard, which is why my screen name is "LostBoyTootles".

Tootles~~If I can't be anything important, would you like to see me do a trick?

Unregistered User
(6/23/03 5:57 pm)
Peter Pan 2003
I'm happy that someone finally responds to my posts! I'm currently trying to start up a discussion at THE Z REVIEW, but things have been getting pretty heated up! It supposed to be a message board where you talk about movies, but this one jerk started up a discussion against homosexuals and it seems that everyone is in on the discussion. I've responded a few times, so I have been preoccupied with seeing what everyone is going to say. Well, anyway, what trick? Getting back to Peter Pan, what are you most excited to see in it? I was just blown away when I saw the trailer; everything was so dazzling and colorful! Definetely a top priority movie for me! I went to your website a few days ago, before I got to speak with you, and I checked out the Peter Pan movie section of it. Are there any pictures from your play? I'd like to see them.

Registered User
(6/24/03 11:02 am)

Re: Peter Pan 2003
Um, sorry, it's not my website.

Yes, everything seems colorful and amazing and I just cannot wait! I think the cast will be very good . . . John, Michael, Peter, Wendy, Hook/Mr. Darling, everyone! People, not including myself, were thinking Rachel Hurd-Wood (Wendy) wouldn't be very good, but now, thanks to the trailer, there minds have changed completely. I thought Rachel would be good right from the start! I am very anxious to see her acting, since she as never done movies before. I've never seen Jeremy Sumpter (Peter Pan) in anything before, so I can't wait for that. I've only seen Jason Isaacs (Hook) in one movie before (Lucious Malfoy in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets), but I can't wait to see him in another movie!

Okay, now that I've written a book, or at least my fingers feel like it was a book, I'll stop.

Tootles~~If I can't be anything important, would you like to see me do a trick?

Unregistered User
(6/24/03 4:05 pm)
Peter Pan 2003
Do you know that they added a character by the name of Aunt Millicent, who is played by Lynn Redgrave? I've read that she teaches Wendy the ways of sophisticated society, and the one who decides that Wendy must leave the nursery (not Mr. Darling). Did you see the mermaids? They look a little eerie; not exactly what I expected. They have very long finger nails and webbed fingers. Their skin is slightly green, slightly blue. From what I could see on the trailer it looks like they all have the same hair color, which is a reddish-orange. It seems that everything in this movie was given a slightly dark edge, which should be interesting. Once again, I CAN'T WAIT!

Registered User
(6/24/03 5:14 pm)

Re: Peter Pan 2003
The movie is dark, as to remain faithful to the book.

Yes, I knew about Aunt Millicent and I'm not very happy about this character. She replaces Liza, the maid. I don't know much about Aunt Millicent, but I already have a feeling I won't like her character. I can't wait to see everything else though...

There's also another new character called Sir Edward Quiller Cooch. I have a feeling he has something to do with Hook, but who knows, maybe he'll be someone in the bank or something in London.

Jeremy (Peter) had two injuries -- when he jumped off a bed, his head hit a ceiling fan. The stitches were covered up with make-up. The second was when he fractured his foot. More injuries accured -- two technicians were burnt from an explosion and P.J. Hogan himself's son was taken to the hospital for possible appendicitis.

Four sound stages were used, two for London (the bank, nursery, Darling home, London streets, etc.) and two for Never Land (the forest, Underground Home, Jolly Roger, Hook's castle, and the blue-screen room where they filmed flying).

When the children ride Nana, a robotic dog was used. When they weren't, Nana was played by a dog named Dr. Dolittle.

The crocodile was robotic.

Possibly more facts later!

Tootles~~If I can't be anything important, would you like to see me do a trick?

Charles Vess
Unregistered User
(6/25/03 5:08 am)
Just saw the trailer
I saw the trailer this last weekend. It looks to be an interesting adaptation of the JM Barrie tale. Having just finished illustrating the text (a new edition from Tor in Oct.) I still feel very close to the 'spirit' of the novel. I am VERY glad that the director/producers seem to have left in the strange creeping darkness that lurks on the edges of Barrie's work. No slick Disney cutness in this one. The mermaids look delicious to say the least.

I look forward to seeing the film when it hits the theatres.


Unregistered User
(6/25/03 5:16 pm)
Peter Pan 2003
I am very excited for this movie, and also extremely happy that the movie won't be so "light". There are many dark moments in the book; Neverland is almost a place where nightmares, and not dreams, can come true. It just seemed that everything was given a darker touch in the movie than what I had interpreted when I read the book. I imagined the mermaids to (at least)appear more friendly, although we know from the book that their intentions are not always so good. Especially towards Wendy. I think it will be interesting to see the interaction between Wendy and the mermaids. The lagoon also appears to be much darker; I imagined it to be sunny and tropical. This does not mean in any way that I was disappointed. Everything else, without question, is definetely ideal if you ask me.

Registered User
(6/26/03 5:27 am)
More Panning
This trailer was the high point of my trip to see the Hulk. I downloaded the preview and have since seen it eighteen times...

I notice the same actor is playing Cpt. Hook & Mr. Darling. Saving costs or something more? Hmmm...


Charles Vess
Unregistered User
(6/26/03 7:47 am)
A tradition...
For as many years as there have been theatrical, movie or TV dramatizations of PETER PAN the same actor has traditionaly played Mr. Darling and Captain Jas. Hook.

Back about 10 years ago I designed the sets and costumes for a theatrical (a local production) run of Pan and suggested that Mrs. Darling play Hook and that a male actor play Peter. The director agreed to both suggestions and those casting decisions proved very interesting. Of course some of the othe directorial choices were a bit bizarre, what with rap spouting pirates and roller skating Lost Boys, etc.


Marc A Hodge
Registered User
(6/27/03 9:46 am)
I have been looking forward to this movie ever since I heard about it. I am definitely looking forward to the depiction of Tink (as she is referred to in the movie) because if I remeber correctly, Brian Froud was asked to come up with the conceptual drawings of her.

Registered User
(6/27/03 2:43 pm)
creative casting
Interesting! I've never heard of that Mr. Darling/Captain Hook tradition before. Does anyone know where or why that got started?

Shamefully, I've never read the book, so I very well may be missing something there.


Jane Yolen
Unregistered User
(6/28/03 1:30 am)
Sir ARTHUR Quiller-Couch was an eminent Victorian writer. Wonder if this is a reference?


Unregistered User
(7/14/03 5:56 pm)
When I saw the preview last week....
...I thought to myself; they've finally done it right! I hope the film holds up to what I saw on the screen. I've often longed for a true adaptation. As cynical as I am about Disney, I thought it was a good movie, if not a little overly light hearted, as usual. Still a magical film, as was many of Disney's older films, and unlike their recent ones. Hook had incredible potential and a great idea, and completely botched it. I didn't miind the skateboarding Lost Boys (after all, if they are updated this makes all the sense in the world, really), as much as the go-nowhere plot and awful, boring pirates. I'll keep my fingers crossed for this new film.

Registered User
(7/15/03 8:55 am)
So is this the same project as the Johnny Depp film that's *about* J.M. Barrie? Or are we seeing a Peter Pan renaissance?


(7/15/03 1:10 pm)
Re: 3 films...
From what I've seen, there are 3 movies coming our re: JM Barrie and Peter Pan:

Peter Pan (2003)

Neverland (2003)

J.M. Barrie's Neverland (2004)

The first is a new theatrical version of the story, a traditional telling. (Trailer available on Official Site)

The second is also a new theatrical version of the story, a modernized telling, of the glam/punk/alternative variety. (Will Wheaton plays John.) (Trailer available on Official Site)

The last one is the film with Johnny Depp, about the author and his inspiration for writing the book. (Trailer not yet available)

I think we can indeed say there's a bit of a renaissance going on here. ;)

Dandelion wishes,


Registered User
(7/16/03 4:24 am)

Re: 3 films...
The first two are hardly traditional! All the stuff we're used to is, well, kidized. The first is gonna be dark, like JMB meant it to be. The second is too dark. I think I might see this movie just to see how downright stupid it is and how much it disgraces us Pan fans.

What do you mean by "a bit of renaissance going there"?

Tootles~~If I can't be anything important, would you like to see me do a trick?

(7/16/03 4:52 am)
Re: 3 films...
What I meant by "traditional" was that it sounds like they will be following the original story more closely than other versions have done. And I agree- the second version sounds FAR from traditional! I've seen some interesting versions performed on stage, and I'm actually looking forward to seeing what this one willl be like. Though it appears that it's only be playing at G/L/B film festivals, and isn't scheduled to be in my area any time soon.

As for "renaissance," it seems that there is a revival of sorts, with 3 films on the same topic all coming out within the next year. A Peter Pan trend, if you will. :) Kind of like how in 1997 there were Fairy Tale: A True Story and Photographing Fairies, and in 1998 Lady Cottington's Pressed Fairy Book was reprinted by Barnes & Noble.

Dandelion wishes,


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