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Unregistered User
(7/10/03 3:39 am)
German fairy tale
I'm looking for a fairy tale that would have been known by a German adult in the 1930's. All I know is that it involved a hunchback, and the rhyme ridicules the hunchback. I know precious little about fairy tales, so I have no idea what I'm looking for, and any help will be greatly appreciated. I'd prefer to find the rhyme in both German and English, but I can translate the German if necessary. Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

Jane Yolen
Unregistered User
(7/10/03 11:04 am)
Is this what you want????
Tale type # 503.There's a German version. (Not sure if it's in Grimms as I am away in Scotland and not where I can get my hands on a complete edition.) An Italian one can be found in the Calvino ITALIAN FOLK TALES or in my FAVORITE FOLKTALES FROM AROUND THE WORLD. Also sam story found in Ireland, England, Spain, France, Brittany. A hunchback helps the elves/fairies complete the refrain "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. . ." and as a reward they take away his hunch and give it to a nasty neighbor/brother/companion who tries the same trick.

In the Japanese version, instead of a hunchback, the hero has a wen.

Also there's an Irish folk ballad using the same basic story.


Registered User
(7/10/03 2:22 pm)
Re: Is this what you want?
Thank you, Jane. This looks like exactly what I'm looking for. Do you have any idea what the name of the tale is, the German version or any other version? Thanks so much!

Jane Yolen
Unregistered User
(7/10/03 9:43 pm)
Sorry--am in Scotland for the summer and away from all my research books. The Calvino I know--it's "The Two Hunchbacks." Amd I think the others may be called some varient of "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday," but am not sure.


Laura McCaffrey
Registered User
(7/11/03 5:20 am)
Re: sorry
Because I'm in a research kind of mood, thought I'd help out here. I'm a bit stumped, though. I've tried searching for AT 503 and Grimm on the web but only come up with "The Elves and the Shoemaker." My COMPLETE TALES OF THE BROTHERS GRIMM doesn't have any indexed tale with "Hunchback" or "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday" as a title. The stories that are under the title "Elves" include "The Elves and the Shoemaker," as well as a changeling tale and a tale of a mortal girl who goes under the hill to become a godmother to an elf. However, this link might help if you spend some time searching through:

Good luck.

Edited by: Laura McCaffrey at: 7/11/03 5:22 am
Laura McCaffrey
Registered User
(7/11/03 8:47 am)
Ha - Got it!
The tale is called "The Gifts of the Little Folk" in Zipes translation of Grimm - tale number 182. You can also read it online here:


Unregistered User
(7/12/03 6:10 am)
German Fairy Tale/nursery rhyme
Thank you so much for the link. That's perfect! And I appreciate your help so much!

Now a second question. This may not be appropriate for this forum, but perhaps someone can give me a lead. Is anyone familiar with a German nursery rhyme in which a hunchback is ridiculed? It may be either children or elves that are ridiculing the hunchback, but I'm not sure.

Again, thanks for the help. This group is great!

Registered User
(7/16/03 4:12 pm)
Re: German Fairy Tale/nursery rhyme
I'm not sure if this is the rhyme you mean: it's about a little hunchbacked man who keeps playing tricks on a child, both funny and sad - if you need a translation let me know.
From 'des Knaben Wunderhorn' by Achim von Arnim:

Das bucklige Männlein

Will ich in mein Gärtlein gehn,
Will meine Zwiebeln gießen,
Steht ein bucklicht Männlein da,
Fängt als an zu niesen.

Will ich in mein Küchel gehn,
Will mein Süpplein kochen,
Steht ein bucklicht Männlein da,
Hat mir’s Töpflein brochen.

Will ich in mein Stüblein gehn,
Will mein Müslein essen,
Steht ein bucklicht Männlein da,
Hat’s schon halber gessen.

Will ich auf mein Boden gehn,
Will mein Hölzlein holen,
Steht ein bucklicht Männlein da,
Hat mir’s halber g’stohlen.

Will ich in mein Keller gehn,
Will mein Säftlein zapfen,
Steht ein bucklicht Männlein da,
Tut mir’n Krug wegschnappen.

Setz ich mich ans Rädlein hin,
Will mein Fädlein drehn,
Steht ein bucklicht Männlein da,
Läßt mir’s Rad nicht gehen.

Geh ich in mein Kämmerlein,
Will mein Bettlein machen,
Steht ein bucklicht Männlein da,
Fängt als an zu lachen.

Wenn ich an mein Bänklein knie,
Will ein bißlein beten,
Steht ein bucklicht Männlein da,
Fängt als an zu reden.

Liebes Kindlein, ach ich bitt,
Bet fürs bucklicht Männlein mit!

Edited by: hermitcrabbe at: 7/16/03 4:44 pm

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