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Registered User
(6/29/03 2:37 am)
Do Any of Mme D'Aulnoy's Stories have a Happy Ending?
I'm just curious if any of Mme D'Aulnoy's tales have
happy endings? Not that i mind unhappy ones, mind you,
but they build up like the classic happy fairy tale and then often have these tragic endings (ex: The Yellow

-Doug (currently reading the D'Aulnoy section of
Beauties, Beasts, and Enchantments- Classic French
Fairy Tales)

Unregistered User
(6/29/03 7:29 am)
The White Cat for one
has a happy ending. The cat becomes a princess, she marries the youngest son, and she gives two of her kingdoms to his brothers. If I recall, even the old king gets to hang on to his kingdom. Everyone's a winner.


Registered User
(6/29/03 9:50 am)
thanks Jess!

I'm just reading that one now.

>D = Yellow Dwarf = one sad tale.

Be well!

Rosemary Lake
Registered User
(6/29/03 10:26 am)
I think several of the Cabinet des Fees had happy endings, more or less. Tho many had contrived unhappy ones, such as the "The Magic Sheep", if I'm remembering the title correctly.

I'd like to see a list of links to all the Cabinet des Fees on the web, but haven't seen one.


Rosemary Lake
Registered User
(7/5/03 9:52 pm)
I just started a list. How many Cabinet des Fees stories are there in all? -- R.

Happy endings
The White Doe, d'Aulnoy, Orange Fairy Book
The Frog and the Lion Fairy, d'Aulnoy, Orange Fairy Book
Felicia and the Pot of Pinks, d'Aulnoy, Blue Fairy Book
The White Cat, d'Aulnoy, Blue Fairy Book
Prince Darling, Blue Fairy Book
Prince Hyacinth and the Dear Little Princess, de Beaumont (a put-on?), Blue Fairy Book


Sad endings
The Wonderful Sheep, d'Aulnoy, Blue Fairy Book
The Yellow Dwarf, d'Aulnoy, Blue Fairy Book

Registered User
(7/7/03 1:08 am)
Thank you Rosemary (spelled your name right that time :) )

I just started with the wrong tale i suppose ;)

THE YELLOW DWARF is pretty sets everything up for a happy ending:

1. The masoleum built by the desert fairy
2. The mermaid helper
3. The magic sword

but then whammo! one of those stunning events occur.
I"m not sure if it violates the contract between the
storyteller and reader or not, but it comes close.

However, one can analyse the tale and see that both
the prince and princess both promised their love or marriage to the fairy and the dwarf and broke their promises and used subterfuge in order to gain what
they wanted.

Perhaps from the point of the dwarf and fairy as victims,
the ending is just. I dunno.


8) <- The Yellow Dwarf himself in the sunshine

Rosemary Lake
Registered User
(7/10/03 10:10 pm)
posting Cabinet des Fees list
Found another happy ending: Princess Minon-Minette, Pink Fairy Book, 'Bibliotheque des Fees et des Genies.
It has the Cabinet des Fees thing overall, but lighter and happier than d'Aulnoy's.

I put the list at

I'm looking for something longish to retell, something with a lot of detailed action. The Cabinet des Fees have nice colorful action in some stories, but so much mushy stuff! :-)


Registered User
(7/10/03 11:50 pm)
The Palace of Revenge has lots of action in it...It is
in the Beauties, Beasts and Enchantments by Zipes.

You might want to re-edit the ending if you re-tell it!

It is by Henriette Jule de Murat.


Rosemary Lake
Registered User
(7/12/03 1:41 pm)
Good Lang site by source etc
Couldn't find "Palace of Revenge" online. Found one I'm trying: "The Golden Branch". I wonder if there's a rationale behind those wonders, or if I'll have to invent it.

Found a wonderful resource for Lang's stories in general! All the stories, links in a database searchable by title, source, and lord knows what else.

For Cabinet des Fees, start here and scroll down.


Rosemary Lake
Registered User
(7/12/03 11:53 pm)
"painted windows" ... "pictures in windows&qu
What does d'Aulnoy mean by "painted windows" ... "pictures in windows"? Is it like stained glass windows? This is not a church, the pictures aren't religious -- but they do show scenes of people in action, like old church windows did.

From "The Golden Branch" in Red Fairy Book:

One day, as the Prince was walking up and down the great gallery ... he looked up suddenly and noticed that the painted windows were particularly bright and beautiful.... He found that the pictures seemed to be scenes from the life of a man who appeared in every window....

Every day she walked up and down the long gallery, until she too was attracted and fascinated by the ever-changing pictures in the windows, and recognised herself in one of the figures.

Laura McCaffrey
Registered User
(7/13/03 5:04 am)
Re: "painted windows" ... "pictures in window
This could mean stained glass windows, or windows - clear glass - that have scenes actually painted on them. I've only done a bit of research on this, and am not sure how common such things were outside of churches. However, if you're researching for a story, a local artisan glassmaker will probably be able to give you all kinds of help. There's also lots of info on the web, again mostly on artisan glassmakers' websites.

Registered User
(7/13/03 3:43 pm)
re: wrote
"From "The Golden Branch" in Red Fairy Book:

One day, as the Prince was walking up and down the great gallery ... he looked up suddenly and noticed that the painted windows were particularly bright and beautiful.... He found that the pictures seemed to be scenes from the life of a man who appeared in every window.... "

The same passage from "The Golden Branch" in

One day as the prince was walking in a long gallery...he happened to look up at the windows. He observed that they were stained with bright colors and had extremely fine designs..there was a man in the series of pictures who appeared to be his sptting image...

So yes..stained glass windows


Rosemary Lake
Registered User
(7/14/03 4:21 pm)
Thanks! Does the plot make better sense in Zipes too? :-)


Registered User
(7/14/03 10:22 pm)
Yes..the plot makes more sense, but it is still very odd


Rosemary Lake
Registered User
(7/18/03 10:28 pm)
Golden Branch
My retelling is going very well.

I can't get the Zipes edition soon enough. Any thoughts on the plot? You're present at the creation.... :-)

Registered User
(7/20/03 11:40 am)
re: thoughts
No thoughts yet....I'll think it over ..give me 24/48 hours

Registered User
(7/31/03 2:12 am)
The Golden Branch
I would make the shepherd/shepherdess part
very very VERY brief and use something besides a severed hand in the first part.

Other than that, I really would just follow it and add/enhance/simplify/expand whatever you feel you'd like to

Registered User
(7/31/03 2:36 am)
Once Upon a Time There Was A d'Aulnoy?
BTW, I just went through all 15 d'Aulnoy tales i have and every single one begins

Once upon a time there was a.....

a) king and queen
b) king
c) queen

for every one of them!

funny but expected

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