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Unregistered User
(4/4/03 3:18 pm)
i posted this same question on some other boards, and was told to ask here. I would like to read some of the fairy tales before they were childproofed. (All of the blood and depressing stuff was taken out.) Does anyone know titles or authors of books that would help me?

Unregistered User
(4/4/03 4:21 pm)
Have you looked at
the Surlalune Fairy tale pages? You might find quite a few there. Then there are collections, such as Beauty and the Beast and other French Fairy Tales, translated and edited by Jack Zipes. It has some of the original French salon tales. You might like Haddaway's translation of the 1001 Nights. You might also look for Maria Tarter's Fairy Tale Classics - you can order this through by going to the Surlalune Fairy tale pages. It is annotated and a joy to go through. There are several versions of Grimms Brothers' tales. You should try to find the versions they first published. I will let others lead you to those. I have to run, but I will try to come up with more.


Registered User
(4/5/03 7:17 am)
Re: pre-'childproofing'
While I wouldn't want to represent all the tales in the sources cited below as "pre-'childproofed," you can find English translations of stories collected by the Grimms that they later edited, replaced, or never published in the following:

--the appendix to Maria Tatar's The Hard Facts of Grimms' Fairy Tales;

--the "Omitted Tales" section of JacK Zipes's translation of The Complete Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm;

--Grimms' Other Tales translated by Ruth Michaelis-Jena and Arthur Ratcliff;

--About Wise Men and Simpletons translated by Elizabeth Shub;

--the appendix to The Frog King and Other Tales of the Brothers Grimm translated by Alfred David and Mary Elizabeth Meek;

--Grimm's Grimmest (although this has to be used with caution since the information about the tales in "About the Text" is not reliable);

--New Tales from Grimm translated by Ruth Michaelis-Jena and Arthur Ratcliff;

--the appendix to John Ellis's One Fairy Story Too Many (a book more useful for the versions of the tales it translates than for its overall argument, which misrepresents the Grimms).

Edited by: Don at: 4/5/03 11:32:34 am

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